St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

II II St. gams grsggfr jfnDag gfrtninjg, Jgajr 19, 18Z0, The St. Louis Dispatch is aa independent MEDICAL, OCR IROW- SHIP YARDS. good patronage, but not so large as the per- THERE'S NO END TO IT. Another Mad Dog Killed.

St. Mortis gisp.itc(j. THIS DAY ft. Vo.617ftt.Gluu-lM Street, 81 Has been longer engaged la treating all fniiaf ot venerial and private diseases, aad aaoaaaa fatty eared iwra eases than any phyasoUa 1 St Louis. Dr.

establiakment ia eArtere by tbe State ot Mtseosrl: was founded to set cure to tbe afflicted SDeedr. scientific aad kSM orable treatment; being a graduate ot sevens medical eollegea, aad baviag a lite-long aiESf rience, he eaa be relied upon ia earing Sim ilis, GonoanosA, Qlkbt, Btbictuu, Iateel nicy and Semiaai Weakness, emissions Dei bUity. ervoasnesa, Dnpondeaoy, loss CI sexual power, waioh aaflta the safes tasT marriage or basis ass, It ooatt nothing te aas-alt tbe Doctor ia bis ofsoe or by mad. AU strictly eoeAdeatuu. OAee hours a a.

as. tat Pamphlet on above diseases seeorety Itt mail leatiw tnnDflL at ma mm. Intmitad amlv for the or these contemplating niarfiage, seat by poss-paie securely aeaiea mm for SO cents. or ta cnmiii MBOlOAX, UfBiTruxa 7UA Chestnut t.t lit. Louis, Mo.

A nnsr (nSnM afaMdlala. aaa mmif tklrty jmm prmrtis to tn.t JfRXVATU, MS VOUS mai raxUAI, DnMM as a Specialty. eperauuorriwM ntim Merrona BsOBV Ity (etuKd hy Mcnt h.biu youth tiMMM), Hi UKirSUutraiueltMto Eanatou, Let HuhMi, wlf-tolrit. irritability. iscapacitT for society and swawal Am ftf th hntlw.

snind and nrvrmsi srrsrtBB. fljuiiy nskituns la iapotssaoT, 0ezanl fcLhaoaon Msti ocen lllTa renaenaj uamare lmprouer aosj imo nam "eajme Wl CJJf OUBB, nBiVlT sr4 perm nnenUy. Aim rmeat leu stjtBdinsT eases oroiaet, OoaoirlaiM. OrehltsS, Mils 1 tartj nn4 BrpaliUa rbrma) affeotina; sjenerative sifMaSk akia, sftouta, throat nooe an4 bones ttornuhly eared ansa blood potatm eradicated fraam thaayatem. A Medioal PanapnV Th Globe-Democrat Sued for $00,000 by Hugh F.

Somen. The complications into which William McKee has fallen by colluding with the whiskey conspirators seem to be endless. Tbe latest difficulty directly connected with Mr. McKee's troubles Is a suit filled to-day by Hugh F. Somen, asking for damages In the sum of $50,000 against the Globe-Democrat, for certain articles which appeared in that paper reflecting on the character of the sjaintiff.

It will be remembered by our readers that Scmers was one of tbe jurors that convicted McKee and also Watson Foster, of Louisiana, made affidavit that Somen expressed his opinion of McKee's guilt to him (Foster) before tbe trial of McKee commenced. It was on this affidavit that McKee applied for a new trial. I De uiooe-uemocrat made tms the occasion for publishing some pertinent language reflecting on Mr. sem*n, among which is the followmsr. copied in the petition "The solemn and sell-sacriheing Somen said he would" "And now another deputy marshal is about to go in punuit of Somers to invite him to St.

Louis on a different mission." "It is a great pittv that a man can't swear to a lie without being arrested for it. Vaulting ambition sometimes o'erleaps itself, and Mr. Som ers was so anxious to get into tbe jury box that he swore himself into the prison ers DOX-" Tbe above is a sample of several allusions which are contained in the Globe-Democrat, for which Mr. Somers prays judgment for Jamount as stated. POLICE COURT.

Twci ty Minntes With Ills Honor and His Friends. His honor skipped into court this morn ing anu pranced up to tne peg in the wall with all the grace of a dancing matter. When be bad disposed of his hat he discovered the Dispatch man seated at a table, and could not resist the temptation to exchange the compliments of the day. ''Why, my dear boy," said be. shifting four ounces of fine cut from the right to the left iw, I'm heartily glad to see you.

Do ou know I miss you sometimes It-always does me good to sea you in the "room for then I kuow "my court is to be reported. And then such reports There is an air of official uess (allow me) about them ihat absolutely squelches me. I've taveu up all ot your reports and on Sundays I busv myself pasting them in a book along with the puffs I've receiv ed ire.m the press. Yes, i ueuceti giau to seeou. Come in when I adjourn and we'll go over to Eber's and fid up on that souikiaut; us positively matchless, post tivelv." He climbed into the cane seat chair and winked twice very dis tinctly.

The Gavel saw the operation and immediately whacked the desk as mny times. "Oh, vea, ves sir, vou bet your sweet life this here court is ready to sock it to the boys and girls howled out the Gavel, and then he subsided. "Trot 'em out, Mr. Turnkey," said hi; honor, a spittoon, "and keep your eyes on me, Mr. Reporter, while I make it hot for somebody.

Oh, if Slevin would just get into my clutches! Oh, for PeteConnell, or Dan Coffey, any ot the con spirators! Give me Jim Adam. give me some enemy The marshal invited Pat Howell to lace the court. Pat accepted, and braced himself against the railing, prepared lor tne worst. Howell." said the great in swallowing a handful of peanuts, "vou're gone up. "This court is down on trespes.sing of anv und or nature whatever, and vou ve betn trespassing.

Now look ve. 1 find vcu 100, but ia consideration of th fact that tliev need a few more peopla in Caica- go to fiii up their directory to the i of ouis. I give you until o'clock to start for tbe lakes. If caught after that hour Har ney will have you on a slab at tne Morgue. Git out.

Ana tie got. Kate Cloud dropped in to explain a little spree, but bis honor cut ber snort by sav ing, "cneese it, Katie, and wipe vour cbin. It is my firm intention to strike vou bird and put it at a ten dollar note. Have'nt pot it, ch? Well, pull down your vest and take a seat tne reception-room tne eoacn will call in a lew minutes. Mr.

Gavel, ad- ci'in The treat man descended from his digni fied losition and. snatching his ha: from the pis in the wall, linked his arm in tint of the reporter's, and walked over to tho kraus table. Lost and Recovered. Robert E. Lee James is the yeirlin sou ol parents living at 1021 North Tenth streat.

The 'geceral'' has a mania for crawling out on the front steps, aud soniu'times unbe known bis nurse gets bevond the vard late aud on the pavement. Yesterday the little erystalized imp of mischief was missed, and the whole neighborhood was put in search cf the lost infant. The mt'her was almost distracted, and the more she could not find her born the mt re she became anxious about the inaUtr, snd pictured in her mind all the hai lie Ross" cases she had ever luard or rcrd of. After the diligent search of an hcur. the child was at last found seated in the lap cf a little colored girl in front of au old tumble-tlown shantv, occupied by the family of the ebon daughter.

Atth? time ot the finding the general was being stuffed with green prunes and appeared as happy as ii tinner tne Kineuy smiles ot its de voted mother, in answer to tmestions as to tbe cause lor carrying the child awav, the little darkey said that "she iust wanted to play with him a little while." Tlx: general has been run through a Turk ish bath and has received a fresh touch of vaccination, and it is thought that possibly the child will escape the small-pox. Explosion In a Stone Quarry. Shortly before 0 o'clock yesterday evening an accident of a serious nature happened in the stone quarry of Herman Brockschmidt, corner cf Sumner street and Geyer avenue, One of the laborers employed in the nuarry. a man named Charles Paur. was in the act of putting in a blast when he tramped upon ine iuse, whieh ignited, causing a prema ture explosion.

Dirt and rocks were" blown up into Paur's face, entirely destroying his right eye, and tearing the skin from his face and hands. His clothing was torn into shreds and his body ternbly powder- burncu. Some of his fellow workmen removed the injured man to his home, Xo. l'X2 Menard street, where Dr. Auler is atteoding hun Paur is a BohemiaQ, 23 vears of age, and uimiarned.

He will recover. Who Is He? At noon cay oeioie yesterday an un- Known man, 01 aoout 40 years 01 age, called at the residence of P. C. Buckley, a farmer living on the Lackland road, twelve miles from the city, and apolied for work. While engaged in conversation with Mr.

Bucklev tbe stranger fell in an epileptic nt. Meuieai am was summoned, but it failed to restore the sufferer to consciousness. Word was sent to Capt. Fox, of the Mounted district, aud he Lad the patient removed to the city hos pital here he now lies in an insensible con dition. He is dressed in dark brown pants, light brown ceat, striped shirt marked I and wears brogan shoes.

Rowdy Nell Redivlvtts. A floater was picked up in the river at the foot of Miller street last evening, which proved to be the body of Nellie Emmerson, alias Rowdy Nell, the inmate of an Almond street house, who lately committed suicide. Tbe body was taken to the morgue, and this morning the coroner held an inquest. It was learned dv the testimony of sever al persons that the suicide's real name was Mary Ellen Diamond, and that she was a widow, born in Bright on, Illinois. She was 2S yean old, a hard drinker, and a hard case generally.

The remains will be taken in charge by her late companions in sin, to be by them buried, Thus endeth a misspent To the Citizens of St. Louis Mr. Egbert Dodge, of this city, and well. known by most of our merchants and citi zens, is hereby authorized to collect funds for defraying the expenses of the Missouri headquarten at the Centennial, Philadelphia. Sylvester H.

Laklin, General Agent for Missouri. "You Mean Old Rat." From Ihe Courier Journal. Mr. Beecher's feminine friends would make an interesting bouquet for the Centennial. Tbe close of some recent doings at Plymouth church Is thus re ported by a writer who was present: newspaper published every afternoon, except Srndays, in three editions, at 3.

4 and 5 o'clock, and delivered to the people within the city by its own carriers at iOc a wek. The dispatch contains the latest Associate i Press telegram in each ition up to the 1 our of going to press, while the local de-pajtmeiu is a complete mirror of happening In the citv. furnishing news twelve hooks lit AM'AKCB OF THE MORNING PAPERS. The value of the Dispatch aa aa me ium for reaching the city public is not equaled in this community. IuTK HI ST.

LOUIS. DHhMBm and There by Dlspetca Reeorterr. Oft in the stilly night, When slumber's chain hath boond me, The neighbors' cats begin to fight, And raise Cain all around me. A busy day on the levee. Picnic day for the school children.

Xotbicg done yet to celebrate the 30th. The Police court-room is to be whitewashed. There were 89 cases in the Terrific court to-day. Marshal Slevin collected 934 in fine3 this morning. Hall fare rates to the Republican state convention.

A good breeze blowing, but the mercury is working up in the nineties. The nocturnal music of the feline seren-ader is once more heard in the land. They will have it this afternoon the Browns and tbe Whites at Chicago. Dom Pedro takes "a smile" and so does Mrs. Alcantara, when she feels like it.

Fine weather for suiciding by drowning. River is up, and the channel is deep. The gamble rs have it "by a large mi-jorit" hen brought face to lace with the law. Sankev's favorite numbers arc "ninety ard McKee and Maguire prefer 93 and 100. Judge Cady is bringing the law to bear ur on the keepers of hauses of ill-tarn; in a ctn-iuendable manner.

Dr. G.K.Potter, or the Royal College of Surgeons, London, is in tbe city a guest of U. B. Wilson, Eq. The latest question in the MoKee case is If tl testimony of one woman is worth nothing, hat is the testimony of Leavenworth? Little Chrlftol it going to tug at ol the Rhine" Hevester.

to morrow nuht. bt Cincinnati. Bets are being freely oft jred that Christol will get awar with the big man. prof. Barramano, the well known baritone, with his distinguished tenor pupil, Prot.

Antiono Barrabini, have returned td the city. Thev intend opening a coaserva tory at Kunkel A telegranm came over the wires this nirrning addressed to Judge MeCullu "juilee el the Four Courts." Hardly neces sary to say it was intended lor his honor, the lsoss Rattier ot the horrible court. If any one found $12 in an enve'ope veterday on the street, they make Mollie Smith happy by leaving it at 1 Hi Notth Eighth street. This her month's wages as a servant girl and it gos hard to lose it. William McKee has changed the bent of his inclination rtlice Wednesday and has concluded to deler pavfng his Has of I0.C(0, which he promised to liquidate on that day.

XowMr. I'. S. what are you going to uo about This is the season when lovers linjer at the gate, and the swr et and soleino stillness of tbe star-lit night is broken bv a sound like that with which a fellow calls his dog, and two more souls have rushed together at the touching of the lips. A pretty respectable sort of lace necktie can he purchased now for a laJv tor from twelve to fourteen dollars, and yet young men seem to beat a sometimes to df cide what would be suitable and acceptable as a philopena forfeit.

It is said that G. Washington diil not know what fear was. This maybe true enough, but bet he never pa-sed between tbe berth at the Polite court, and tb sp t-toon, when the Terrible was 'quirting tobacco juice from a lresh paper of fiue-eut. David P. Gould presented his i.nperial niaiesiy, Dom Pedro, with an hound copy of his St.

Louis Directory oil fsterday. The Dom expressed many iliai.ks aiitl will study it with great cire with a view to acquainting himself with our gicat city. In the case of Pfau against the St. Louis llMln ad company fur I dim-iges. bioiinbt in Circuit court Xo.

b. the jury," after deliberating about eight hours, uiraed a Vf idict for The suit was drought by the next friend of a littie girl ho wi, luujjver and badly injured bv one of the street cars belonging to the company, last Octoter. New, Nobby and Convenient THE ULSTER DUSTER Call and examine them. Henry F. Gee Co.

TrDSTEAns for children, new patterus at ScarritiV, (JO!) to 61:5 X. Fourth. Bi'ttons buttons, lEiiiione of buttons an but'ons for the null. on. A'l kindi of cceujcs.

Hi lute's Thread Store, RC9 st. Millions ot it Furn ture Largest variety, lwest prices and latest styles at Scar-rittV, CO!) to 613 X. Fourth. Notice. George J.Hood being no longer in our (mploy we will not be responsible or any dtbts contracted by him.

-M J. Mi npilY Co. The Almighty Dollar, Save It. Avail yourself of the bargains in furniture at Scar-ritfs, CO!) to 613 X. Fourth.

Centennial Parlor Chumbar Scarritfs, 6W to 613 X. Fourth. Suite at Carpets and OU Cloths on weekly pa; ojentB at J. Crawehaw A Sons, 811 Traatun i venue. Sofa r.eds and bed lounges, Searritt's patent, superior to all.

Call aud examiae, Searritt's, to 613 X. Fourth. J. n. Crane, cor.

Fourth aud Yfashington avenue, has handsome new styles Dressing Ca-e snd full Marble Bureau suits also Parlor suits at fabulously low prices. A Complete Assortment of WHITE AXD COLORED VESTS, Of very Lattst styles, Henry F. Gee At Tite only place at which you can buy SOLID COMFORT easy chairs is at J. H. Crane's, corner Fourth and Washington av enue.

We have just received from Mr. Willie H. Gray, bookseller, stationer and newsdealer, on Olive street, near Third, copies of Frank Leslie's Illustrated, Harper's Weekly, the Xtw York clipper, of very latest dales, and Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine and Demon si's Mirror of Fashion lor June. Mrs. J.

Barron, 616 Franklin avenue, is making the finest display of trimmed and untrimmed hats ever made on the avenue. Her store is lit erally jammed from bottom to top with eV' erything a lady might desire to complete her toilet or adorn her person. Her bazaar is crowded with busy buyers, who go away well pleased both as to style and prices. Always see her splendid stock before you buy. Combing or tangled bair male in any style.

Hair dressing a specialty. Missouri Editorial Convention. Arrangements have been perfected with the various railroads of this state to furnish editors and their wives with free transportation to the Missouri edi toiial convention, which meets at Macon City June C. Tbe Hannibal and St. Jofeth Railroad company will give an excursion over their road art the adjournment, free to all editors.

An excellent time is anticipated. Death of Una, tbe Poetees. The last number of the Irish World comes to us, this week, filled with a biographical sketch and extracts from the pen of "Una," the gifted poetess, and wife of Patrick Ford, editor of tie World. "Una" was one of Missouri's daughters and well known in St. Louis, having taught for some time in the Clinton school.

It was in this city her first poems were given to the public They breathe a spirit of Independence that lias made ber one of the leading champions of Ireland, and rendered her name imperishable among her country men. We s'tail open and offer for sale many goexls not heretofore men Honed, all of which we guarantee to be equally cheap as any yet offered. "See Below" for some Special Bargalauu II. MAO Sc. Cm 417 and 419 N.

Fourth st. Special Bargain in Black Silks atftlMandtS. Call and see them. -II. D.

XL WW CO. Victoria Lawn. 4-4 wide, fine quaUty, and wort a 30c per yard. We shall sell them for ISO. They are a bargain.

TJ. B. MAW If St 417 and 419 N. Fourth st. White Plqnee, IS I- More of these goods to be opened tmts week in handsome patterns.

II. D. 31 ANX A CO. BalbrlnanHose, 50 Extra long, splendid quality, and never e- ftere sold for less than 75c. II.

MAWWefeCO. ,000 Fans, 5c, 10c, 15c. Regular price for these goods is 25c. B. B.

MANX CO. Black Hernanls, Grenadines in plain and fancy colors, an elegant stock, and many novelties not to be found elsewhere. II. B. NAN Sz CO.

linen Hawns, 25c, warranted fast colors, Organdies, Jaconets, Ba tistes, Madras Cloth, Penang and Fou lard Suitings.Ne Patterns in English Prints, WaTJT Bine Foulard, Linens, etc. Linen Suitings in plain and fancy colors. IT. B. MANX sic CO.

Paraaols, San Umbrellas, an ele gant stock of Fancy Handles, made expressly for ns; Paragon Frames, Canopy Tops, Ecru Iauings and many very choice and rare styles, all at reasonable prices. JK. B. MANX fc CO. A lew more of those very cheap Hamburg Embroideries to be opened To-Day.

IT. B. MANNA CO. Be Bece Suitings, 15c, in the different shades of Brown and Grey. Greatest Bargains ever seen in reas Goods.

Not many left. CAllsoon if you want any. IT. B. MANN fc CO.

I.inen Silk Costumes, Worsted Suits, Black Cashmere Jackets, Foulard Cambric Suits, Dusters, Ulsters for traveling and riding. Splendid stock at Low Prices. H.DJanndCo. 417 and 410 X. Fourth sf.

Ofiice Stationery, In Endless Variety, at KOBT. I. CO. Ccnimei'cfal Printing, Chean. at EOBT.

1). PA.1TERS0X CO. Blank Hooks, Of very description, male to order, at KOBT. D. PATTERSON CO.

Envelopes, A Large Stock, Cheat), at KOBT. D. PATTERSON CO. Legal and Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper, a larre lot just received, for sale cheap at EOBT. D.

PATTERSON CO. Copying Presses, Beautiful Designs, at EOBT. D. PATTERSON CO. Copying and Writing Inks, All Reliable Brands, at EOBT.

D. PATTERSON CO. letter Copying Books, Cheap, at EGBT. D. PATTERSON Stationers, 3(H) 302 Main St.

ALL. SORTS. FOR SALE One Horizontal lorte power, good as new. Engine, 20 in splendid order, at a bargain. L'nquiie at Dispatch omce "TTOR KKKT OK SALE on monthly pay-Ij Br nts, at very low price, 7-room huiise, with about an acre of fruit, at Webster tiroves.

Railroad fare 12'i cent9. Schools, churches, stores: plank walk to the house, etc. Inquire at Olive street, St. Louis. JOST On Thursday afternoon, between ihe hours of 1 and 3 o'clock, on Tenth ttieet.between Warren and Laheaume, a Garret Cluster Pin.

A liberal reward will b3 paid the finder on returning it to this oiiice. GENTS WANTED FiveXsdies to travel; also one general Fgent for the city. Call lor 3 days at room 34, fct. Nicholas hotel. COR.

EIGHTH AND WALNCT STS. Large rot nis cn SI and 4th floors, suitable for irarufscturing purposet, wiih or without tlcam ower; also on fUst floor four stores. Apply to M. 11 Fuller, on th preniises, or to Samuel Cupples, Second and Chestnut. OR SALE e)R EX CHANGE for City or fcu-buibn property Three stock and fruit farms, at Cuba, the A.

and P. and St. S. and Little R'Hk R. Rs.

Call on or ad-t'rere E. E. Sargent, M. 1S06 St. Louis.

i ICE WE ARE RECEIVING AILY 20- inch Minnesota Ice via IilinoU Cenrral, also St. Louis, Kansas Cirr and Northern rHilroads.which offer reasonable rates. r. car lots, securely packed, shipped to aU points. B.

HUN A 200 S. Fourth st. VOU casi have Iron Shutters altered in the -B- wstmanner for 50 cents per pair. Ad-dress J. F.

CARROLL. OOES GOOD SECOND-HAND STAND-ard Books bought or exchanged at Archer's, 703 Olive street. A DIES' AND GENTS' Hats, Felt, Straw. -a- or any kind, cleaned or colored and mads Into rery latest styles, at Empire Straw and Felt orks, 205 North Sixth street. EAILROAD TICKETS bought and sold at lliX N.

Fourth st. McKENZLS A CO. ASE BALL OUTFITS, ALL order on short notice, and low naruraa. at JONES'. 603 Pine street.

ASTED-A11 kinds ot Wringers to re pair, at John Ringen ft Oo s. 718 H. th 33. 3D. JOInTES, i.Life.Firii.MariiiB.

417 Pine Street. AKEW MAGAZETK. RECORD OF TBE TEAR. Just Published The first number of capi- OT rt of Kefefr-ence Scrap-Book. the monthly ecord v7 important event In any part of the with a selection ot i he choicest mlscePany of the month, carefully indexed, and edited by Frakx Moobje.

of the''RebeUioa Kecord." BeautifuUy printed, with an elegant portrait ot the late millionaire, Wm. Aetor- The most attractive, interesting aad readable monthly magazine ever issued. Sold it news dealers, and sent free by mail, on receipt of price, 50 cts, bv Q. Newport? 00 MasnSquarV 1 I ill ii tT X.6HEB AKIETIKS.

The hill Mi at Esber's this week is among the bet. has ever proviuea, ana it nas taken most liber ally wun rovers oi variety. GRKdOKY'S INTER GARDEN. The Vienna Ladies' Orchestra continue to give mmxiu ctur cicuilUE lam nonillttr fr.r. den.

KAST ST. LOUIS. Local JottlBca froaa Over the River. Dom Teoro in Danger. St Louis did not afford an exciting time for Dom Pedro, the Brazilian emperor, but not so with East St.

Louis, for the short time he was in May or Hake's dominions, offorded him the only scene, worthy ot. an emperor's attention. since he bowed to the stars and stripes. After the emperor, his suite and passengers were safely aboard, last evening, the Grand Republic polled out and crossed the river to tne Kast m. Louis elevator, for the purpose of taking aboard a quantity of frebrht.

Wil liam uooen, a well Known river boat load ing contractor, tiok cbaree of the mm. en gaged in putting aboard the freirht. Amongst tne gang was a man named John J. Newman, who in Hoben's estimation. was not doing as much work as he should.

After the exchange of a tew words Hoben commanded -Newman to leave the boat. wmcn Jewman refused to do and in moment both were engaged in comba, Hoben making use of a heavy cane. which he had in his possession. Ot course, great excitement prevailed, not only ascongst tne workmen, but amongst the passengers as well. Several who thought the person of royalty sacred, were greatly a'aimtd, as they espied tbe Dom but a short distance rrom the combatants intently wuiciiiug me eucuuuier, leanux ue might be come excited and take part hi ni nut the emperor came to learn, and be showed bis usual good sense by taking it all in, notwithstanding the many entreaties to the contrary.

This little circ*mstance may be of inesti mable the people ot Brazil, when the Dcm shall have made his deductions and proclaimed them to them. But the fight raged until Officers McCaluon and rrauty come upon the fcene aud arrested the com batants and took them to the calaboose, where they were bailed out by Johu J. Mc Lean. Xewman was badly worsted, being cut ir. vanous places about tbe head and bodv.

Both were let off thU morning by pay lrg costs. Fell Dead. A horse, which was being drive in a wagon fell dead, on Third street, yesterday, having become over heated. Mass Meeting. The Republican mass meeting last night was well afended.

Spe the were maile by iiarvey. Becker. Downer and Carroll. The dele gates elected at the meeting on list Saturday night were endorsed. P.

H. Brikn was, last evening, again bereaved bv the loss of another child, two in one day, by scarlet fever. PERSONAL MENTION. II. Williams, London, is at the Lindell.

J. Haldaway, of Sparta, is at the St. Clair. Dr. J.

W. Ashford, Atlanta, is at Barnum's. Gen. Sara II. Schwink, U.S.A., has rooms at Barnaul's.

J. H.Lubbe and bride, of Jacksonville are at the Lindell. Mrs. J.M. Brow and party, Galveston, are at the Southern.

D. H. Stadpker, planters of Canton, are at tne LiuUell. McBride and J. (5.

Mrlon, rut bio, Ca'. aie at the Gen. T. AW Dennis, Topeka, and Jamc Staik, Xcw York, are at the Southern. Ger.Jolin rorbes.

ote ot the surviving of San Jacinto, is at the Lwlede. C. MtClain, Jjmes Murphy and James Xcw Yolk, are at the St. Clair. Col.

W. It. Gibson, a banker of San An tonio. Texas, and family, are at the Lindell. S.

R. Cbrvbt. an extensive stock feeder mid grazier ot Warren. Ohio, is at til; Ev-eictt. T.

Butterwcrth. of the Western Agri- uituiist, 111., stopping the tverctt. He n. James K. Dodge, M.

from 1 Gin. F. ii. Smith, of St. Pan', are at tbe Liuuell.

R'l't. McCormack. jr. of the lirmo! lie McCormack Reaper Manufacturing com- i si.y. Chicago, is at tbe Lindell.

tel. John Farrell, Hot Springs, an 1 C. E. Wiight. a prominent nianulaciuier ot agri-cultuial inple incuts, Chicago, are at the Laclede.

St. Loulsans Registered Abroad. In London. John De Bow. In I'aris.

Mrs. Cabot and L. J. W. Mortm, Mr.

and Mrs. John Nt i.n. Joseph Pulitzer. Mr. and Mrs.

W. II. Waters. Frank A. Waters, J.

W. Wa er. In Rome. Charles R. Chamber, S.

H. Krebchmar. MCRE PREHISTORIC likLI03. Ibe Most Valuable DUcov.i-les Yet Made. yj t.

A. L. Whitley returned (rem another visit to X'ew Madrid coun-ly. this state, here he has a number ol Ihboieis employed opening Indian mounds. His last collection of relics is the most valuable yet obtained.

Among the more ira-joitaiit of these discoveries is a large, circular concave-couvex shell, on the inner sui face of which are engraved several char-acteis, all the multiplicity of lines being diflit ult to trace, but sufficient can be noted to show a warrior in armor, seated iu an at tiiutle ol expectation, and holding in his xtt nded right hand a curious instrument, on one end of the instrument is a woman's head, and on the ther a figure having several lines and crosses but resembling nothing now Tbe shell was photographed this morning and our antitiuanans will endeavor to deci pher the characters, it being believed that a iranslaiion of the lines will serve to explain the history of a race once inhabiting Missouri of history makes no allusion. Cant. Whitley also has a barrel tilled with I ottery ware altogether different from anv specimens before seen. In this collection is included hollow rmn tied women which were originally used for liquid vessels. Some ol these represent very obscene practices, wnne others are inatfe to represent athletes and comedians.

All these specimens will be placed on ex- 1 ibiticn at the Washington University, together with e-thers as fat as they are ob- lamed. Capt. W. will leavetorXew Madrid i gain to-morrow to get the product ol bis mj. loyes' labors since leaving there.

U. S. DISTRICT COURT. Tbe Rood Salts Being Tried with Earnestness Judgment Against Busby's Sureties for The 0. District court met morning at ten o'clock.

The suit instituted against James Busby, on bis bonds, for on the grounds of a forfeiture through illicit distilling, having been con cluded last evening, the jury returned into court this morning to receive the judge's e-barge At half past ten the instructions were delivered from the bench, after which the iurv retired to deliberate on a verdict. At eleven o'clock a new panel of jurors was chosen and tbe trial of the second suit against Busby, brought against Mr. Lewis, his ftlministrator Busby being deceased lor tne same amount. SdO.ouo. was begun.

jor Eaton read the numerous counts in tbe indictment prepared against Busby, to wmcn Mr. Lewis, oy counsel, set up a general denial of tbe charges. The jury that bad under consideration the evidence in tbe original suit against the bondsmen of Busby, returned into court at 12 -30 o'clock with a verdict for tbe government for the full amount of the bond, As tbe suit now on trial is almost identical with the one just decided, there is little doubt but that judgment will be found for a like mm lor the government. Family Jam Cups, Spacers and Lamps Take Part In a Little Dis cussion. Yesterday evening Mrs.

Conry, residing at tbe corner of Fifteenth and Orange streets, desiring to impress some circ*mstances on tbe mind of her step-son, wafted a cup and saucer at him. He became very emphatic in bis denunciation of this method of doinir thines. and to rive nroner expres sion to bis views on the subject, be let fly a coal oil lamp at the old lady. It took her lelow tbe right eye, cutting three very com fortable looking gashes. Then the discussion ended, and tbe parties repaired to a tbug store hard by and invested in court plaster.

Xo arrests. Sick and Destitute. Francis Romer, a native of the United States, forty-five yean of age, and who claims that bis borne is in tbe Bo in Brulle Bottoms. was committed to the City hospital last evening in a sick and destitute He has been stopping tor sev. eral weeks at Mrs.

Mary Dewey's, near Mala aud jtebrasjia. streets, varon.4iei Scarcely a day passes that does not show up a mad dog. This morning OfHeer Fette. ot fbe Second district, slaughtered on bad taken refuge in tbe cellar of W. Wenders bouse, No.

816 Russell avenue. Nobody hurt. Lost Bis Pocketbook. Dunck McCoy, who lives at No. 1711 North Eighth street, lost bis pocketbook last night, containing $25, somewhere between O'Fallon and Howard streets, on Broadway.

He feels sad to-day. ADDITIONAL MARKETS. C. A. BRAGG, B.

B. BOBD TO oracAoo. Orders for Grain aad PrOTlsloaa soUatled. Ho. Z10 Nortk Tuird Chicago Chas.

A. Bran seat as the following lrK) p. m. Chicago wd Milwaukee quotation: Wheat Cash. SI 04 7-8 May $1 04 7-8: June, 91 05 July, $1 05 7-8.

Corn casn. 43; jut June, 4b i-i: July 46 3-Sc. oats casn. 3i i-c; nay. sic i-i: June, 30 7-8 July, 31 1-8.

Barley Cash. 73c May, 73j Jane, 59; July, c. fork casn, weo 1-2: stay, -o it June, 20 47 1-2: July, $20 60. Lard Cash 12.20c: nay, June, 12.20c; July 12.35. INSPECTIONS.

Wheat, 92; corn, lit; oats, 26; rye, 15; barley, 4. engagements. Wheat, corn, 25,000, Receipts. Shipments Wheat 22.700 132 906 i)71 12 000 2,000 Corn Oats 3S.4S0 Rye 3.930 Barley 6,440 MII.WAUKEK MARKKT. Wheat No.

2 Soring, cash. 107 l-4c; May. 107 l-4c; June, 107c; July, 10s l-4c. Receipts 80.600 bu Shipments uo. Cotton.

Meters. armaduke Brown, commission merchant, funishns the following: i.ivkkpooi. Mavis. Snot craiet a-d 11 changed. I'plands Sales Oi0 bales, of wh ch 6,100 are American.

Speculator! took l.teX): ceipts. Ame ican. Dales, ai ri vals flat. June and July delivery from Savannah or C. ailecton.

L. M. contract. 6(1. Niw York.

Mv 19. snot doll. Middling 12 3 111c. Futures opened weak, now quiet; June 12 I Ik 12 sc. sales for future 10-aay 24 two bales.

January delivery is selling for 22 t. Louis, May 18 Quiet, easy and quota tions unchanged Receipts 13tt bales. Ship ments 29 bals. Stock on hand 7.Mi5 bales, Wtaiher yeiy favorable to crops, with large port receipts, tenttiug to lower prices. General Haxkett.

Prices herewith are for round lots in first bands; small orders charged at higher rates. elevator sues tree 01 storage. IKAN Dull at 54 SKc in sacks fctMP DulL Dressed at S20ea23i: a- dretted. SiOOfilSO: shorts, hackled tow. 5 751 S6 pr ton.

I EAD Dull. Last sale son Missouri, S7. P. FLOVK Steady. City, 14 50 i 75 del country at $4 15 4 30.

loiin r.AL saiesoi city at $2 3X12 vj aei TALLOW. We auote country at 77c. CillfcASE. Ranges in price from tic to 3c tb. LKAFTOIt ACCO We ouste: Infer or art? light weight hogtheads lugs, 13 50 34: factory itige, tost 25; factory luga, fair to jrood $4 J05 on; planterb' lugs bright $5 0036; Irfeiur dark green-mixed shipping leaf $5 fflC common dark shipping leaf $7gs; eeium do do f8ot9 53; good do do 10 fOn tO; good red or brown do $11 al3; medium red manufacturing doSS t( ii 10 medium dodo $11814 00: medium half bright Missouri wrapping leaf $15 i2e: cooa orient ssassu.

Virginia briirlit wrappers usually from $2 to $5 100 tbs higher tlisn Maouri leaf. No line bright offerine. 1 1 r. r. Ext.

a ismiiy mess sells on orders It J15 00 bbl. t8 per half bbl; dried 13 a-cixrtli- trrue S6 25A5 50 tFAS SEEIi. We iuote: Hungarian 35 SJ.ic millet red top 70gS0c, trnothy 2 2tia2 50 for inferior to $2 3582 50 for prime to Miictly choice; clover dull. tAMOK lams saiet atwe. VEGETABLES, ETC.

tireen peas $2 005 06 bu bsx $3 to $3 50 bbl cucum- doz; beets J150al75' bbl: cabbage crate; new uotatoes $1 2535 75 Strawberries plenty at $2 OOS'i 00 ga' bananas $2 00 per bunch. AlTLEt t-wood to choice in d.aiandat $1 50 45 f.n. eal.s Live at 5.ju(i tf bead, dres3eu JalCc It). EtiC.S Dull and weak at 10c for round lote.

CHICKENS Ilsoeipta moderate. Sales: Id -t 2 75 for co*cks. fS 23 43 50 for nixel. 8 75 for htns. 8pnng 1 50, as in siie.

I.EESWAX Prime 'ells steadily at 30c. HU1' We auote Wisconsin at ltaitio. and New York at MOsS We quote: 334c; XX 49 choice and fancy U54e; cEoire bar Shackled 10Lic. SALT We nuote Ohio and West Vireinia 51 4e bbl; tine ii white wood hoop cooperage $150 b'J; dai-y in b'la ii 40; in an niosil. I oreien neclecleu ana prices nom inal.

USAGE ORANGE SEED Choice new salable at olo not wanted. BALINGSTl FFS We quote: Bagging. 1 tb ll hemp tsvine 13s lie; iron cotton ties, arrow, lock and buckle. SACKS We qnote: Gunnies in 15c. repewed If burlaps 4 bu UXc, 5 bu 15 'i'c, Kbu ISc, jute seamless 21c.

cotton seamless cotton Hour IO3 11c, wool 45g50- KKOOM cuu we iuote: common ana trashy 2-a 3c, meelitim 495c, choice SHSHo, fancy green hurl held at 7c. HUE HEANS Choice eastern at $1 1VS 1 St); wet-tern sell at for trashy to fair nd good. n.A.MiMi-ui)ii ana rower; no seeding r'emand. We quote prime at $1 to $1 10 no choice coming; would probably command 51 Trashy nominal at 50a 75c PECANS Supply small. Demand trood; ton men Texan 10c, Iadian atioa I'aP'jC.

GINSENG quote at Sid 1 05 Bound lota would brine more. soiit.lU M-SiilJ at 3JXc. NAVAL STORES Turpentine lower. Sales at 34c. Low and medium grades rosin scarce and Arm; other qualities quiet.

We quote E. $2 40. F. $2 5042 60. ti.

$2 75 3. H. S3 25. 1. $3 50rt3 75.

K. $4 25. M. $4 755. N.

S5 2.V5 SO. Pitch dull and nominally lower at 52 5e ,2 25. Tar scarce Small bbla sell at 0 25, larire hMsat ft 50 5. UOOl'LKSTUrrs We quote: Stave bolts at S10B12 50 per cord. Staves: Machine flour noi osa at 7 7.1 as elm, 75 8 7 75, whiskey bids, green, $13415, dry, hslf-casks, $li is, bhd, $20422.

solt wood heading, 6ajc, hard, 757SC. Hoop-poles: Small, $ti7. medium and large flour bbl, $1215. porkbbl, Slfij 20, bhd, $40n50. Shaved hooos: Rourd country Hour bbl.

cooper, $7 50i, pork and tierce, 50 a 10 50. COOPERAGE We quote Flonr bids-country 80.35c, citv 3SS40C, whiskev bbls veiy dull at $1 4DS150, half do $1 251 S5. him tierces 70880c, 1 accn casks $1 70al 80, half casks 8f barrels yocafl, lard tierces Jl 15 a 1 25, lard kegs oc. OILS Linseed steady and firm; raw told at 55c we quote boiled at 3c. Cotton seed lower, refined (winter pressed) at He for yellow and tc for white, i-oal oil lower at 13313'c gal, castor steady at 10'i a lie m.

COI FEE We quote: Bio, common, rnn.e,22822Xc; do, strictly choice, 22r2lc. Cceta Bica, 22c Old Government, Java, Singapore. 2s)ft30c Mocha. 3Sc RICE South Carolina choice Louisiana SLGAKs we quote: New Orleans sugars fair at HgS'c; strictly prime do strictly choice SaUc; clarifled white 9S -UOc. REFINED SI GARS Uelcaer's card of April S7 quotes cash prices of refined sugars for 10 uackagea and upwards at a decline of He on card of previous Crushed, 11 2 3c Granulated, 11.

Powdered, lit4'c. Fine powdered, lll, 0. Coffee standard lOKc. Do off brands, A Do extra C. Do standard 10c Do yellow C.Sc Refined yellow aold at relative prices, uoiaen eyrup: Bbls.

5Gc; X-bbls vwi eg, Die; x-Kezs, Bbla 60c, X-bt 11. 8 bbla E3c. kegs 663, K-kea-s file. SHEEP PELTS-Good demand. We quote-Green 75c to Jl 25, dry 403'JOc; shearling USER SKINS Lower 1J820C: fall20'fi2S.

AVe qnote: winter HIDES Dull. We quote: Heavy tlrv flint 20 and over 15c. light 1213o dry salt9al0c, green salt, 73 oc forUht7cfjr hey steers, damaged less. FEATHERS Lower. Prime 1.

g. 53333X4. mixed choice 3SS42e, inferior 3033c. tare 3 cent on large. 10 cent, on small sacas.

DRIED FRPIT We emote: Anples-H 9c. Peaches log 10 0 tor mixed, and 11 en: iwiinim PKAM'TS Dull and unchanged. We quote at jj4c to SgSc for poor to choice; farcyfitj'c, WOOL Tub-washed, choice medium J9c; medium dinrv and inferior 3Jcf33.s; unwashed, combine medium 2igar. coarse fine light 20A22C; find dark ar. heavy 17f20c; Texas lbng medium short 20321c; burn- 5iii cent.

less. ORANGES. RAISINS, ETC. Messina and Palermo oranges $6 to $7 per box. L-nona same price.

London laver raisins. 0ner hnx layers, nil 85 per box. TuVw. sh pmnesSS.c. Hl'TTER Supi lies large; market JuM and weak medium and lower grades and country store packed neglected.

We quote choice yellow dairy baai" m. lrctiens 20322c; off in color, lsa's--choice yellow store-packed 13alc, mixed and white B19 ire, EWAND SECOND-HANDEAEOL'CIIEV Bockaways, Top and no lap BiiKiries fcprinir Wagons. offered at extra bargaioi within the next ffl days, on Kouit of havinc to clcse up the account wit my former paiw ner. Jacob Jost, deceased, vehicles warranted as repietented. Ci.l.

examine and secure abargain.obhging, TRED. YEMCEL (Late A Veakel). A pox of beactJtctTnote PAPER Ac Enyeloiies iicately tinted and handsomely initialed, postpaid to any ad-Jross on receipt of ft cents. contain. 24 sheets Ol paper envelopes to match.

ajm- L. JONES A nr arkpbice.ewYQtk. Trial of the New Iron Steam Tag Schekle Last Evening. South St. Louis, that is, Carondelet, boasts of an iron ship yard, which was es tablished little oyer a year ago by the enterprising firm of Chouteau, Harrison A Valle, and knows as the St.

Louis Iron Boat Building Co. Yesterday was tbe occasion of tbe trial trip of another iron steamer, built at the Carondelet ship yard by Theodore Allen, the talented nival engineer and architect of thia company. This makes tbe third iron steamer built here, and shows that we are being appreciated by onr sister states. The trial of the iron stetm tug Philip Schekle, yesterday, proved highly satisfactory in all respects. was built for Messrs.

Knapp, Stout and is intended for the lumber trade of the Chippewa liver. Her length is 122 feet. 21 feet beam and 3 1-2 feet hold. The engines were built by Smith, Beggs and are 12 inch cylinders by 3 1-2 feet stroke. The fttern wheel is 12 feet in diameter, with 16 1-2 feet Bpace.

The boilers are 43 inches in diameter and 22 feet long, and are composed of ten 6-inch lap-welded flues. She is light as a cork, and only draws 12 inches aft. There was a goodly company onboard, and on landing at the wharfboat ol the Miss. Val. Trans.

Co. an additional number of gentlemen came on board, among whom were Capt. Geo. H. Ray, Col.

Sam. U. Reid and H. H. Roullier.

There was a neat spread ot a Iuncb provided, with things according," and a number. of happy toasts end speeches were made. The steam jr, after ascending the river some distance above tbe bridge, returned to Carondelet, landing ber passengers on tbe way. This is sufficient evidence of our capacity cf inn-boat and ship building, and we hope toon to chronicle the building of our first ocean steamer. THE DKATH RATE St.

Louis the City In the World. For a city of half a million population St. Louis is remarkably hrallhy. There i no city of like population in the world where the death rate is so low as St. Louis.

Some months ago Dr. O'Brien, secretary of the board of health, opened a correspondence with the rrglstrar general of London, and toiwarded the weekly returns, giving the mortality of tbe citv for publication in the "London AVeekly Return Births and Deaths." The fodowing letter was received upon thesubjtct: GKERAL RKIilsTRR OFFICE, SOMKRsF.r House, May IS7 i. Sir I am desired by the registrar-general to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the Sth of April, and to thank you for the inloimation it contains relating to the population and deaths in tbe city of St. Louis. I am requested to inform you that on the next revision of the list of foreign towns in our weekly return the registral-gneral will give Ibe fullest consideration to the jlaims of St.

Louis to be added to tue list. As a matter ot fact, new towns are seldom thhd to our weekly list, except at the commencement ot a new year. Iu the meantime the reg istrar-general will esteem it a great favor if you will continue to transmit your valuable weekly returns, and he has much pleasure in adding your name to the list of those foreign correspondents who rf gulatly receive 3opies of our weekly re-turns. 1 have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, m. Per Secretary.

The death rate of the citv is but a fraction over fifteen per week to the thousand inhab itants. I he remarkable heatthtuiu -si ot sr. Louis is a matter of wonder. IKK WOOD. A Pleasant ut Lost Xlght.

Tl.c literary and musical entertainment given last evening for the benefit of the Baptist church, in the church, was well advertised and well attended. Tje ot the reader were, perhaps, well sdppted to the average country audience, but weie not of such a character as are best ch ulatrd to entertain and please a Ivrk-wocd audien'e. than which a re imelii-s nt and critical one can rarely be found. However, the occasion was enjiya'jlc by all. and anorued.

especially the voungir tor'-ion of the audience, much real pleasure. 'I he Bells," by Poe. arc always iiMned to ith intertrt, but it requires a master ro ii ad the poem acceptably to tac of crit ical taste, and it is not every elo-mtionis' will imdeitake the task or d) as weil as Mr. last evening. Tni- ajd "1 "he tharge of the Light P.rigadj,'' whioh ivr rendered very well, comprised the el efforts of the evening.

Tin musi i al mIi ctions were well chosen aud remark a' ell rendered. The pianos, lo, Rose. by Miss I'ei nie Edwards, was rou f-red in an aunt which would pass as before ven a more critical audiencj. Too lair pel former evidently captured the "blus libbon" on instiumenial music, though the hnr snd organ duet" by the sain? lady, nci nipanied by Miss Clara Leet on the or- ar, was excellently rendered. At th" hei.u and front of the vocal music stands Miss Miiirii; O'Connor, whose sweet vo'ce enraptured all! What larking in rergth and volume, is more than sa lor in sweetness not only ot voice but also cf manner The audience on the bole seemed wcil pleased with the enter laiuiuent.

and our 'webbed-footed" breth i en of the "'navy department" may wel telish the "proceeds." Boiius. SOUTH ST. LOUIS. Local Jottings Down tbe River. -Putting Up Hydrants.

Xow that wa- rr mains have been laid along Fouri) street the residents along that street are havins hydrants put up in their back yards and kitchens. Mr. Elliott Steinhauser. druggist, and graduate of the St. Louis Col lege of Pharmacy, and who went ist a year or so ago, returned tnis morning, ana will again resume bis former position as chief prescnptionist at tne carondelet drug store Ip.ial Trip.

The iron towboat, Phil Scher.kel, built for Knapp, Stout luai' ber dealers, made its trial trip vester.Uy which proved highly satisfactory to all con cerneu. PoirriCAL Meetings. Last night the straight Dmiocr club held their regu ar meeting, which was largely attended. The crooked mocri cy held a meeting at La iayetie nan, wnicn was attended bv some forty persons, or there-bouts. Hon J.

Ftith was elected president of the club, am jm. ivepnarc secretary, rnese two gen tlemen are well and favorably an are good Democrats. Meeting To-Night. There will be grand rally ot the Democrats of the ward tonight at Lafayette hall, under the auspices of the Tarent Democrat club. Col.

A W. Slayback. D. II. MacAdam, Hon.

E. A. Noon, Col. Musser, and other prominent sj eakers will address the meeting. The Hest and Fresh! PARK TILFORD CIGARS, Henry- F.

Gee At Uogus Railroad Tickets. A brother of Howard Brolaski has written a card exonerating Howard from all connection with the circulation of the counterfeit railroad tickets, of which he is held charged and under bonds to answer on the 30th inst. A reporter of this paper visited Mr. Howard Brolaski at noon to-day, and asked him if be desired to make any further statement concerning tbe serious accusation. He replied in the negative, saying he knew nothing more of the matter than bad already been published, and that the public was informed through the press of the appearance of the bogus tickets before he was aware et their existence.

As to his brother's connection with the unfortunate affair he said he knew nothing beyond that which had been told him. He regrets the circ*mstances more Keenly, owing to the question against his name for the nonce, bat says he will so thoroughly vindicate himself at tbe trial that no taint of contamination can possibly remain. In justice to Mr. n. "Brolaski, we will say that ihere are very few, if any, who believe he ever bad any guilty knowledge of the brgus tickets.

AMUSRMKNTS. DeBar's Opera-Hchjsk. The audiences at DeBar's this week have teen small, but to-night the bouse will be crowded to its capacity. Alice Placide receives a benefit, and will appear as "Lucretia Borgia," the most terrible of all tragedies, and at the conclusion of this piece Ben DeBar will give his inimitable rendition of "Falstatf" "in King Henry." This is one of the most interesting bills put on the stage this season, and a packed house, in consequence, is assured. Olympic Tiieater.

The great Troubadours have served St. Louisaus with a rare treat, making their audieaces laugh until laughter became painful. As only three more performances remain to be givea during their present engagement, tbe Olympic should be filled at each entertainment. Theatre Comique. This theater has provided an unusual number of excellent things this week, and (has regeiYSd a very $3 00 td td 0) WILL BCT A SILVER, icE-piTcnta.

85 00 WILL BUT A PEBAlf BVLkTOB. $1 75 WILL BUT A P) lYATE-VCOOIiEIt. WILL BUT A FIRST-BATE pjj ICE-CUEST. ft $1 (K) WILL BUT A SET OF rnnrniKT. IK a ase, with book, at Cheever, Barchard Go's 508 North Fourth St.

Kanofactiirer and Dealer in FINE SHOES. 615 North Fourth the Former Stand Priesmeyer ft Co. Sixth and Olive. a a The tray the People "go for" our Candies. TRUNKS, Ticnic, School and Work BASKETS at C.

H. UICKMAX'S NEW TRUNK STORE, Cor. Fifth an I Market streets. Trunks Cm-ered and Repaired PARAPOIS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS AND BUS sr.v UMBRELL VS UMBRELLAS SELLING AT LOW PRICE 4. 2ii jortii nrra srttiEr.

Repairing a Specially. BEST 23 CEVT AT mvvEJt PINE STREET RESTAUR ANT, 600 Plue Street. J. C. GOLDIVG, PROPRIETOR.

DINNER FROM 11 TO 3 P. M. james a. waioar Carriage Manufacturer and Dealer, No. SO) an 1 3U North Fiftn street.

Morgan st. and Frankliaav. ST. LOUIS, MO. All orders promptly filled.

CARRIAGES AGAIN! LARGE STOCK OF Home Mafle Carriages, ROCKAWAYS. BUGGIES an 1 SPRING WAGONS constantly on hand at bottom figures. EDWARD BERSCrT, ami IBM Franklin Av. IREOlIPJEjILSriEID For the Season. OTTAWA BEER, ICE-CRE1H SODA, MINERAL WATERS Of all kinds, at our Two Stores, S.

W. Cor. Eighth and Olive H. W.Cor. Sixth and Washington J.

B. SIMMONS GO. F. JACQBEMJS, Importer and Manufacturer of FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Of all kinds, of Superior Finish. BRIDAL WREATHS A SPECIALTY.

Also OSTRICH AND NATURAL FEATUER3 Of every Species ot Bird, Guaranteed Superior to any in the Market. Factory Salesroom. SOS X. Fifth st. Business Suits Made to Ordar From $25 00 to $45 OO, at THOMPSON POXTAL'S, (Late wiih J.

V. Me MERCHANT TAILORS FURNISHERS, 633 Olive Street ADVERTISING Dont any- iii uuy paper or papers, umil vi. ii our fii-- urv it wil I ro-tt you Uullimx and will saro you money. Allre-, St. Ttouiw Alvertisg ft PriM' Sf'i.

N-. KEEP COOL COAT FOR 75c, $1 00, $1 50, $2 00 PO LACK'S. CITY ITEMS. Tvas, choicest brands, 00, 50, 40, 3d, 20 cents, worth double. 612 North Fourth.

Closing sale, Henown grocery stock. RUBBER HYDRANT GOODS A Fifty feet Rubber Hydrant Hose, only $6 for two-ply $7 for three-ply. We keep all kinds ol Rubber Hose manufactured, including our First Premium, Carbol-Ized, and Carbolic Hose. All styles of Brass Pipes, Couplings, etc GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY. Gho.

B. Thompson, Agent, 400 N. Fourth street, cor. Locust street. BK9T known Tonic.

The true Elixer of Calasayi Bark snd Iron, prepared by H. C. Robinson A druggist, corner Fourth nd Olive. For sale by all druggists. 1n flisniilhlna hrir rlliruana frrr nTal1 larilrrll oonlannl poataca; Modioinesj tamlsbea and aent anywhere nrtTalila cJaarrea reaaonmhle.

Doosultatioa free call or write. On Xojena of Anatomy, abowinc disease true to life, frna alU to8p. Sunday, lOtoS. UARRIAGE -SS wjmmmmwmwmmmmm aealed. Both seioa, married, AUD HEALTH marrte, saod wJT? E.Bllllll.llll.' U.

rknWtMT Praera.tkiD, tm tft Casniaol Htihm ..4 Coltur. Iw tSMits, Buiy ww -Mai Mrk. u4 amrlp rinta Ato. KtKb liknrilic so tli. idta Ut.

JmnilM, 906' Cnaataut street. St. Loots. Mo. Aa nitutrated work WO I If lltltlfll.frlXapri L-iHIIIIIHUS tn.

the mArripd sndaato. nliliih HuMhleonthe lilillllloS of the Miaii tyUem, tte s1mmo bunt aucorrne. in mm eMWWlrffewtrdoctiOat howSS SAtnlr heppr 1 the murlcd rrWion. Mtic snd "sl. Mil middle sged boald read and nreaemill biKiiae information, which boohs can.

aflurl to be via. out i oo how to preeerve the health, and complex mo, sotS into Saled check, the treahneai otTOuth: th. beataae into Saled choeks th. trahiMSM ot TtMitli: tli. im nlr tru.

Mwrius Quid, in the world. Prion fiOomti py lbil. Th. uiay be conmdted pemHuUlyor ba anv of the aublects emnttoma in m. worm.

Xtt. A. O. OIK. IS Waal ya.hinntun et Chicafeo, PILES.

DB.W.8. WOBTMAM corner Malfe and Fine streets, 6t. Louis, positively oursa Piles without pain, the knife, caustio or Uga ture do not charge one cent until cured, aiut Comise to pay all expenses to and from St. mis if they tail to perlonn a Perfeot CtrsaV Bef erencas James Lupc, CoL John S. Carta der Marcus A.

Wolff, Charles Osborn. W. H. Waters, President Second National Bask, Frank Shapleigh, Hatdware merchant, kLaia street, Wm. Clark, 218 Hullanpby street, aad many others.

Bead lor circular and names el citizen cured- DR- BUTTS' DISPENSAE Y. ViWKSaf aa iaM om and reliable iMspendaPT, MUMikAsaf yean, the Doctor, who ii a re lar graduate ot larre penence. isstilltreatinjr all forms of Private and Cdrw nic Diseases with on paralleled cucress. Cures Guars teed. Medicinej funusied savin ir natienta tit.irw titavn entire charrea.

Dr. Butts' Marriage On for the marritl andthoaeconV em plat iim mmarn- r'nsmsi price 6ti CtS. Ua tnvate Medical Treatise on iHaV Of the JTrinarv and Generative Orarana. 150 iw siea, price oi. si.ouia ire reaa oy Del oihers.

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J. KAHX, ofBce and residence. 51 Kant Tenth street. NewTtrk. STEAMBOATS.

nIEB MISSISSIPPI. JKOKLK. Northern Packet to. CHAKGE OF TIME. Fast Express Line between St.

Louis and Keckuk, ai-d ct. Louis aud St. Paul. Etr. ANDY Mas r.

Leaves M. Louis for Keokuk on'k'KIUAY Slay 10, at 4 p. For Builington, Muscatine, Davenport, Du butiie, Winona and t. Paul, Steamer P.ED WING Uht, Master Leaves Friday, at 12 m. ForClarksville, Louisiana and all Way Landings.

BAYARD Mackey, Master. Leaves St. Louis on TUESDAYS, xm usua awiSAiLKi'Ais, at 4 p.m. For freieht or passaae applv on wbarfliont. between Vine and Locust.

I. M. MASON. Gen. Freight Agt.

EAOIB PACKET COMPAICt. Fr Madison, Alton, Jersey, Portage dee Sioux ana uranoa. tr. tspreaa Kagle, Lyhe, aam murcneau, tiexl, ieavea at 5 p. from wharflioiu.


tor Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, Memphis aad Vicksbnrg, lTL Str. GRAND TOWER, Lenaoa, Master, leaves on Sttur- day. May 20, at 5 p. m. For St.

Mary's, Ste. Genevieve, Cheater Railnva. Btr. EMMA C. ELLIOTT.

Llah Master, leaves Moniava. Wednea days, and Fridays at 4 p. m. or Freight or passage apply to W. B.

RL33 JELL, JOUKTZ XA3TB. For Kew Ci leans aad Way Landings. Str. H. C.

TAEGGB Van Ho ik. Mas'er. ffs Will leave from Wharfboat, foot Le of MyrUe street, on Saturday. Mar 20at 5 p. m.

Freight contracted for by master JOHN W. KING. Agent. MISSOURI BIVKR. Yflssorw RTVEB PACKET OO.

STAB For Augueia, Jeflerson City. Boonville Qla- I'W. Mil WV.nk.n. Str. BELLE 8T.

LODT8, Cart wright, Leaves Tuesciay, at m. For Angusta, Boonville. Lexington, Welltag- mnd tamlints, FANMELLVi is KeiUli Mter. L'V Leaves Saturday. May 20, at slaaBBWaaaSLP, Bi- front above bridsre.

R. J. WH1TLKDGK. Agent 1 ii! if 1 2f i 1 "Aa theBowens passed out through the crowd, members rushed around them, called the old man a liar and a coward, and four or five 'ladies' left their hus-btnds and followed Mr. Bowen through the long alleyway to tbe street, hissing in his ears, 0, you You Rat, rat! don't you wish you could get at the bottom 'I wish I was a maul' 'O, you mean, old ') 1 SiAh, EO.

WAPIILNGTON Centennial Memorial l'icturet A geanine Art publication, 8 32 inches, in Crayon and Color. Price postpaid. Admitted at Centennial-Art Gallery. Agents wanted; outfit Jl 75. Favorable tarias to General Agents, wittem an BB'JJ Xotk.

ITTBARWO RKSTORKD Great Invea- I jtl uoa. BWk tree- ti.J.WWD, uiiml 1 1.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.