The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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NO 5003 WASHINGTON RIDAY JANUARY 1892 BY TO GOVERNOR ITRATE BEDS AT STAKE I ODDS GIVEN ON SHERMAN Of OPEN HOUSES Will Re GOOD MORNING! 1 I JONES PLATING THE ROLE MEDIATOR NT AND HISdABINET fees: lowe IN lOKCk OICIALS PEESEXT STATE MIN1STEE iO VTI STBJIITS MESSAGE GEXI2 BSEBVANCE THE CUSTOM 'hink' Year ev il reason to be ot the nitrate 1 new year of 18A2 of the papers i tian of Mr lower In onler set L4eut rwur oiuiu Diwbcuutuv neer no'rt' To tbe right fre Comptroller Wemple A end State Treasure jfr asurc in its va 3 1 1 I 2 new year right Abe SHOT REE PASt I After 2 MR at IS NAME IS PERKINS IP GORMA wl cy of the Baltimore Tope Lo! 11 Dt Ipbia Darnels Keina Smith a to ha ratio In free rom 3 to 5 Tt 0 ri 1 i Aailrtr Atones atewmahipa OUTLAID Orer Dec8 I felter Si I tv Lot tis December 13 foretgu I uraiso beewee Toner I o'atx ri til te'ito I ic tyt itil r6r4st HI i Itlit rrfitay zrr lb to lOnnseeii ill not HMM 1 tained from Chill nild Mr them If He can avert a ap to a itid put Grace wants ir he will not II 10 York nier mouth shut A'cwrs Heinee of it a A er i IDS same time hei far the Cou i question tof jljtbe oppor or aj master: bf 'the d4: inla sssnehusett avenue Mrs Dr A Karo Gy Moore Miss Cava Ijdics 1st with th that a eon No im Issues GrappRress JT ro day the not tmdst and Artf art al fi ti ye wii me of the Reception To the White House 3 4 tft Ull Miss Hav Mrs i Miss Mira and tpcramme of the nd John Philip continue a 1 1 now through the customary el I'ktKAl Mr Blateh hold ore proc eed in 'itirteentb treet As rter and Misses Dick Edith Dickerson and rpr 1 Proc: i i i TH Recent Diplomatic Dinner Still a Matter of Comment i 1 ad Mrs his: Mrs Tgan of use and maker utl i Upon porta an 1 PJa1 Cuaac tbe si 1 rn sent Iler will Mi II si rs John huvx knot of Mia duh Jfftsn which rm of Chill re tist to Hid il IM of the by Sed night I TLi minister whesi ked for an opuas the sEsUrtzeifA In lb tatajrapk CldlJPClk Uuawa day of iiinj urging the tor while in Congress (Heckney baa I 1 i A rom tbf summary of on iors in a tavern at tbs er Bureau having vouch of cloudless sunshine a a le old year usLera lu the sea ne same meaner ads and east are ia to day In Year receptions generally illy well attended! What society oi otuer cluc to the tliue botiored cus houses generally will be for the zne ting: of old fhangof pleasantries It la he pleasant fasblpn here so ed wilt ever be entirely ilety is too largely of at 1 tieing pre i i ard such eres without from would Create would in tne has ped tied a a both Houses ft atond with itji bv anur niece of lilies embedded maldeubaif tyrN Dec 1i Xeniocrntle holiday la Albany1 to 1 1 1 A 1 VIMI by the DHtlngulwhed CuMi a Ing in Prtrt Position i Questions of National Im irtcc Informal Toasts 1 tn 1 i street Iiv7 II street Assisted 1010 street As Eafayetle Ind rom 1225 Thirteenth street A te 3 lanoiitpr anil her street Anted leris and soldiers It that lejd to if it leads as I then I am for White Hanse is the official programme reception to day: it ireSiueUL WUI receive the CkblueU atid Cblff JdttlceJ the aso tlie supreme Court of the une I Buev to viwv nut ssum there bgt A untfoual figure la mblaga but all wrrn steadfast ad i ll 11 VI Soesa Peahddy Gauss 1V' KeSres Audrun Waldteufel "Mascarni A ud ra WacnerLe Tbiere Official Intelligence fi om the Chilian Minister of oreign Affairs Rela tive to the Pending Investigation of the Valparaiso Affray Hie a hit Illi sioil 10 1 Si (Jnni'ri it Demand siloir lisw and tUu nyo nntlmuly imuos no newt I work of the billion C'on ry anti ninr iwv no her they ttore ouH In tHrtvrw the iiv bnfti hK fn bonrrewfr' ouf our xnwHbn sat lown at feiSO in and llsl kM ohloirhr Thorn Tur eharnotsristkrlfeat i by the billion ewy preparing eat enwray throaguoul Ilin luion inn incus of tiiosl of public interest JUuia Actions! of obK litiay of llep: rviilj id of ths Keontiv re such ttisX the Will a declared a par ago oan ta McKinlev a tn teen hands off I The betting is in favor of tha odds of fbX) to $80 lj 'inf lzu Wl htn Orr Arthur ps 'ex Minister Stalth Evan Th're was a today that be Oregon both right nntlJeft Iff Jloiitgonierytbe MissesiM ntgomery inncnnt mfi iUcD Mrs HamUnJ Mrs William i 'irs iviiuam irs iingncr hiss I 1 1 it i i and Mrs ivill be an 1 ns tzoverno inar ae a appoint him at(tl if ns do np on will be a tronu dark everything now points to Pet it in Public Service the reight The a led seid off ti son of Lcserng abeyance 1 which the will be un ever actlobl take in re tom of rtceLg on tha first of the year the ahlr: thrntrn nrx friends and uot likely tl generally ofc olwolete as official char economical and you maintenance equaled We should liketo of govetiimoiUul issuer irus a tii plaint Against the Bostori sine Railroad Hwstnlnea ny terstate CommcAto Cmiimisi Au Iiupoftant Ieci4on Mg reel Widespread attention was given yester day to the athtementa in Thb Post show ing on the Authority of ex Mayor Grace of York that i Secrsjtary Blaine wsk endeaypring in ppposjtiop to the tn resiueuu tlha Cabinet even if tha bad to vl fMni Wilfinm narmf ana Mrs nd i ne ml Mbs Hrcckir triSee WAS NOT IN THE JOLLITY jt fcuductur: Mi The Nitiinl Airs cf All hands At yt Hymn TL Banner of the Soerajuf the War Me A nciebUv thee Vtd' Un Premier foaqutt setaon 3 4 5 (k there are flrenrindiw i war which would (ibt beat i interests of both eon xx WILL fN0T bIaetimobe Deo 31 fl i she asked for the 44CM agxfnse Bel from Ixnge as liquidateddazoxuee iud a detrer iieclJtriuc tot coa tr Kt broken in 1 an icjnnetion to prevent lidfuird ft i in assigalag uie contract to aerx it WOU ill uxKen ending of the lOD Rb ex 1 ma Col epb Ro Gentlemen Emi Must SD III ell In I in intend had itrce it A tie hvL inew ioMrfveut atMl hs and La age hvetriii to constrain bee to assign Ue con id: I wa to go to Washing toil that of every othiT Uunv 1 1 us bsen to usluinrton ae be most er tn that ehormvus egvre Callers le a Seasonable Welcome ST RG 3l Th hoaplUU Kharkotf are filled with pauenu urte tng from fanzine rfer fir akinmanrAl zi tUYIll ier from Dupont Co and 2000 ACff A Uih zax ni be returned btate by th ederal GOTrauttit order Alt Uii seal that tbs 1 tbb city think ibe batside the bar sy is ivit wrw th lU fth states of 15 Cede! i nearly half close df the ffewl(ear and I 4i I ra ff hff SErtiSf7X Btrr raiU CUri 1 5M Ex Mayor Interest laPrevent ing a War with Chili Haye you laid aside as much money duqng as you might have done? aack of effort bn your partin i Saving money like spending and either extreme is a thing tewl bifnv like Cavuileris Eustioaha1 La Clgah The $tiv(j antasia 3ipy Li lattsined such exaggerated proportion' rr nlnl ov' iV1 1(111 It I tha' for the At ur ur ic" Pern insti to enter a clai in 1 that some vua year ipbe im media tel and throughout prw TSI said at Klmtai Aid I asy gin that New York will follow th" lead bf Nevada 1 again list New York Dtmochta care nothing for th? WpuoieaaUrM6fiU auu IbcU Udiil new ederal UHtll'Jun to ho arrange Jietween Seoor inrels of Mio tRVItl Teu IXA A fei train Ml lo ufgbt for CoU Crek with sighty lwliUte mfii'U Th a ifa 1 Gtmvlei h4 ji i ill 1 til ft a declaration of wax on of a genileraan who mt nf A fid who 'i ber of the legislative! branch df this u( llntiaeu ifeVl ui' ueu whirl even without request from A President Senor Morirt baa behn ad ijsei of this fact and itj iloubtlesfj has ito do with mtiuenciag ms opinion of action lie 4 out some explanation or nt Astoria some angi ty ipr tue Oregon Itoprovement steamer Ibhigau! which left Seattle Tecenaber 13 WiLKUBASHK Pa Def 31 VjnMnx4 lozeozo au Italian noted cotzoU feller iwbo 'has been wanted br the authoi itie for kojue time aM tbuu4 IMA VVM Ivf lk by Uuitbd Ht itea Mhnthal Barring Tweifib dUtrict and was arrested rtl Servlet Detective McManus to lUackuey ol Guthrie Okl is yesterday morning Mr Gract was quoted as predicting thefntufe'actlonof the State Department led him to be fi cetfonsly re ferred to as the Acting Secretary of State Seriously however tbe combination of circumiitancps which' is leading to the publication news concerning Mr Blaine and Chili through the medium of Mr Gracej is receiving considerable comment Mr history inske? it all the more reasonable tjiac an understanding should have! been reached between him ami Secretary Blaine During ths Chili Peru war Mr Grace was an ardent adherent indeed that Brown I pointe i out the probability of a fndiAlas that a 1 i ag a Vba usirr ttx preU3' allpcy Teirner Li vftAohekJm! th timi kxU Kuiu Hre vnek wto atveo of Btlmaceda whileal the enaetl in securing arrns Eressionftlist partv As th supremacy has been settle tunity hai novv arrived SirONC 1 There are more concessions to be ob Gov with a las Mi tvs vf of tbe and the evehing was out wijcti informJl toaeta rpouea ana general Jollity another las been passed ot and tne great time for good on to accomplish i aiy unswerving Turn the Jeaf ill: rtain 1 1 i hand on the elean bright page before you the objects yhich vou propose to accomplish in this i i 11 a for tlie shipment of 450011 pounds of brown ppw to mie aatu 5 POIDS C0 1 rnaie1 mt Mr Moatt the I ChiHao gaverfument and the in tn If did would! bjfet voliiniinou and red fur transmission io ntenis nf tlA PAfYlfTin fliffi at if it were to co to Coh' aecoiniM4DyiD apuiuKcwp a anffixritifM chln that a reblution author I 1 1 ff izi vs 1 r4 Its I hfl 17 Ilk otjin i portal err SAW ulxcisco Dec SL AEdward Bvd lo United Stales consul Amoy ia the pravioee of Kim region ot tb cet uasturbnca tax arrived Ler by UeMMinr: ucrxiq OU lue io gWWvioi I ia ot MMX fot the new paper fraternity Tip ex iCouuressikien Thompson and Little irst Assistant I It hivha rf ivrn 1 wwr I fYiriAft Tt 1 1 Utliied States Treasurer Bailey and Inter nal lie venue Collectors Boggis and Wal dorf and a Host oLIesser light 'Tua additional attraction nt the Sher man quarters did not detract from the loraker tnrpng anil me euveruur a ni'ii were filled the entire day With friends workers and supporters I generally Anaong hisi callers were a number ot the uwraberk who have not yet madeopen dec laration of (their Intention and not a few wtb have proclaimed for Sherman Neither faction is willing to give out the esiimatet Both sides clkim to have made cobvirt3 an 'fr mana gers positively assert thut theff to day re ceived Hedges from two of the non com mittal whosenatnes they refuse to divulge at rhe present time Thenamfesof Porter Sullney of Cuyahaga Hall of Sum mit McCov of Columbiana Clapp of principles (upheld by and the remainder of to avert a ((war with i Chili dit nitv of the United States sacrificed Secretary friends had few good words for Mr Grace yesterday They spoke pt him as a New chant who could not keep his and who wanted to figure aa a diplomat The Secretary did nothear from Mr Grace vesteraav hut there is everv Here that Mr Grace heari from Mr Blaine The fact that in some country but having plaved niediWtor for Auer snviur ui be in a noSition to demani on arnno 1 1 1 awrtxl however unless fluential ally in Wnshfngtor 1 I trt Air WM i Mid hkiforti the 0 mifpt he has already on 1 this fried ity is sig hllistl gov ini of1 iNahflt be a eon avingn thesr iMl proceedings of Ckjih whltlh re I cumbervonzenpM aitiicmns i Tbiserred I 4 VT I I igjit interfere with tilt ordinary judi 1 UUrUt tbocta ha he of Dc Si' Iz Ms tio tfliaUtqte t4yi Goy Ktatna of Uk Btric the Okie torial laht Cot CMBC Ohio Dec If a vote could be taken to night by tbe Re ptsbhcatM of i the Ohio assembly Sesatcr Shertnat wonl undoubtedly tje hla own successor Tbe drift is steadily Shenuaa ward and bls friends are claiming his election condenxly and therp Is much tma is tangible beninil this eiaim The appearance of the veteran to day among hist workers! has done wonders toward tracing up the line that seemed danger of melting Under the assaults of Gov oraker Bi if present appears nces go for anything the size of rhermin'a major ity is all that is worth considering Aecomianied by his private irenatop herman reached herf at 7:10 this morning and went quietly to rooms I in the Neil House and at onef prepared for the arduous duties of the Immediate future There was no ora tion or startling incident connected with his arrival but his presence adiled zest to tbe canvass and encouraged bis manner to proceed in the fight with renewed eo Dpring the day he waslkept busy eoler'aiiiing callers When tn Senator was discussing the morning ineal cx Gor oraker entered toe dining robm' Mr Sherman recognized thw ex governor immediately and the latter qatcklv stepped to his side I frood morning Mr Sherman said the ex governor am glad to see you and glad to find you Senator Sherman courteously returned tins greeting and expressed I himself as pleaud tp meet Mr oraker shook bauds in (the knost cordial manner Senator Shyrman tweeted a reporter very cordially! this afternoon in his consulta tion room at rhe Neil House He apoeared to be in the best of spirits and smiled be uiknly noon the little group present dur ing the interview He was not inclined to talk on the Senatorial question "I must advise you to interview the members ot tbe he said Is wohld (be manifestly inilelicate ana inappropriate for me to discuss the Sena torial matter at this time Approach me upon other subjects at anyjother time and 1 will talk to you by the Baur Just now I can only assur you of mv re jartl AUiab A3 iV cflmpatgn is in charge ol uiiw Postmaster Auditor of the Assistant Business Cournents AC cording to His ashion Zfld Suit The tnbunal de clined to ei'berawsridamsges Mane Van Zudl orK compel tha newspaper hi HrtrfsiCM nublisb in ten paper? the atxdngv it makes for taring that she was drunk on br stage during rformsuc in the Peters burg Opera Houa uow BoaUada lfl4 At jWQfERQvr nec i3J Tfce i A snowstorm i or the ue a dgin elear and The I iJckadeon the Sant been entirely lifted i 1 Senator elect Hill Enjoy? a Dent ceratie arewell Supper and also the minority interest which was held here Tha paper will be published buijer thw general bnsine and editorial management ot Charles (H of the Kansas City lime and JW ortbl'igtoi The policy of desert his in to follow the ins wealth In Chill Air Grace uncertain which sidfe would win rtUboto tie ce with the Jv bu JXiKPHIU4 Bein brought to tear the Chilian eope ot Tlel In terstate Commerce Commission has hd under ccfsideration for a long while tbe matter ff free parses issued by the various ruilrLdi doing an interstate traffic io certain fcvured classes 5 hether the road bW right under tbe act jemfinte cootenwe to let certarn people Me eratuWt the bkilk of be pv awii gerSskwretu pdyforkrapsportatioii is the ratmr delicte question tlie commission hfc Uen called on to decide Not loug educe lb Boston and Maine Knilroad Company tigsinat which it will be remem bered Genntor Chandler Itttelr turned a Lrohdsde of adverse criticism was naked bv the Interstate otnmerce om mi aiot to state Its prnctme in zegnrd to furuisning free rides The company in its answer stated that it was in the habit of gA'inx passes as a business fuatu re of its administration to numerous classes of iwrsuns wtilcti specified in the answer as follows: claw Jurlnaea sick necessitous or Jnd jmt short allcas ot haiilj nr tly Ho 2 IncliiJes gentlemen like Hom Hrsdbury lou eminent in the pnbu serv I1 3 Includes proprietor of ami Dirge Ixjardlngbouses prat tire wh di ba ions existed ami a tt I 7 Includesw of Olhe ice emnpankv a rmPk doing bnlne on liiit the Boston and Maine Railroad or any prt turHif Xtendlmr between any two itv au ytrHot 4r travLiiig cu ti: in the oodm of A a I a Hides the hlalier ollir late la tl Mai ol taie Nw Hampshire Yornwnt 4 wArfabt hrritnillffll Vme CUWd iuiis JikCuUctor of cu Include the railroad cdmintssloners of lbwstates 4 Maine ew tiMnt and iaMuu tt? i be ii of the IcgislHt ureS Dcxveh Col Dec 31L The total out put for Colorado for Pn was hdver nnnov gold ounce feed C323 Uu and copper poqoda Ufcla it eet HO1KIP Ibex Tweike ftsbtmf baau ta to Vinxrtrz and eu Carlos tie Ii'iiaplt have been loat lM Xtorm forty LLree peteon betag drowned era Vz Serator Gorman is fiUej but the piperu rinmlfiBfinn Wil hn tfbe 1 (To DS CO? 1222 ST ozissa nun iu Shall t1i is ferdmt ou ttreM hf billion 4ii4fc iiMiirl of I a a tt as a a at i ZlX7 fcZvs outlnn ll lv thut iweb El mini I nnlniofu KUU iffi wrL wUrfk ot tUfl rf'pefil of tho bbwmai JtfcKlniely I ill i ethr1 111 itwd I I I nt tha TtintlrV and Its sliver laws an aa 1 a A A I tann laws wo wo xl nltil famous Kpubhasir vdlytiou rtrtiH am? luwana arn I Vvt A fl fl 1 liar IB John Mac tTa a gV its ev EJetiv ChJr Phflll ert Ivxr Teir tawc ru 41 wwirwr I mug shfffwiu nsaai i Thptns Congresstnao iJdhU Warner and Wbitn ty fled Irt the answer wiiicli included tlemen eminent in the public "higher officers of officers of the United of rnilroad legislative aud whose good will is important to the corporation There were other classes of pass holders named in the answer whose pses though in form free were free only in name because in reality there was some consideration for them such as those is sued to newspaper niet in exchange for advertising to hotel proprietors ice deal ers and milk dealers and to some other persons who are claimed to stand on special ground of right As to these classes of persons the com mission said that tte investigation wbuld have to be extended to enable it to pass a satisfactory thereon and that to avoid the delay which a proper and full investigation of these would oc casion and in view of their minor im portance and yet pernaps greater diffi culty of decision and of the urgency that the defendant should be informed at this time of tbe decision upon the leading question involved namely the general cons! ruction of the statute upon the snb iect ot tree transportation the commission concluded to hold the ewse ns to such spe cial classes of person for such further in vestigation as might be necessary to put it i full possession of all the facts before finally passing upon tbein and in the mean tiul to issue ap ord' applicable to the classes first named in accordance with the construction of tike law a et forth this being pursuant to practice in other cases Dig lil Explosion Binghamton Dec One of the National Transit immense oil ttnks at Osborn Hollow ten miles east of this city holding 3000) barrels of crude petroleum exploded shortly after 4 this morning Deforest Tyler wlio was Juvestigatfug aleskin the tank at the Vtime of tlia expldsiou was painfully burned uu the face neck end hands Dr Adama ot buru Hollow who attended the suffering man believes hi iniuries while serious will not prove fxtal A special car left this city shortly after 11 o'clock this morning for the scene of the explosion carrying a three inch rifle cannon wii which ths aheetiroa tank will I bot to prevent a second ex plot io Gathered In by Grip i New Y'ork Dec There were thir teen deaths from the grip reporter to tbe bnxfd during We twenty four hours ending at noon today Ind Dec In this city of less th iu 7 000 Inbabitaptv there are over 21)00 caes of grip and there have been a niunlwr of deaths directly and indirectly duu to that malady I INCOLN Neb Dec There are be tween and WO cases bl grip in the city at he present time uppmd Bad sC a IWtU New Lx Dec The bolt ing Republicans circulated ay a peti tion and had it signed by as many as pos tn jxaiponetbe convention until the third Wednesday in ebruary A number of Tbe regular committee to night seated tlat the action of tb bolters regarded a finally di posing ot their pros posed iScaio cooenUoa ii Inra a i 4 RtlvWi VT includi Sir Julian the British imiuister that Vc le eriv of 11 I 1 peet rs property V' ibe dzed or indenture uousUtut wboluics annexed called nVrk I mliues persons wiuw void lltl it Ml Ml I 1 lurtam me 1 i ri ruiiroaas rt uo Is ilight puny take I he milter of tree iran po' tatiou Ib' wa tolcs and Maine ejiieatmnt fr an ibt receded from railroad corpiutlu 1 us concision invpdsw! pon tlr im the duty of cons te net to regulate commerce right a rilroa ii4er tit) LJ to Hitch idassts toi '1 ne Mnnissioa met lir qn rijii rely and xci vipcmif opio cd the statute and citid Umrtb nuc xo that braurb of tae case lu tlese With ul further cimtinn 'of rtt iiuon rv ce or lun le: another ioistltat of sontl t(u ami to aniaw 0 i unJr greater or cuta(msi a1 ttc ei rptloHU led Jnwsjll I Wh me die under re cm uimtiiv es mid within the xlt i I ut rendered UsSiiiW 4 th txt' Wtb paueigrs coin inlixv i nuel unequal eftl'lal rcik they stl ns ur Luung to lT rent el 7 diusrllv exist In a cumuh1 crnslwl by tne vsrnxr lt ttk vr Thu oould exclude interstate passes ccrtin flosses pc the North Am ncans ex ct'two hiul that tbe police did dutjl He rvgvde1 this i favorable to an aide oDtlza controversy It Is to noted Vbat theChUina ihinla tcii cif foreign affair premis that the (due procv oflwl according to CbtllcQ Jarisprudeut he 1 observed thyf found guilty wlUi be punUhed mil Vat these iaiilci! reedings re being cnrriW fotivarj Me tiyelr This In connection DYM zmin that tbe police did mfcaut showing lllAt eripm doe not wish tixift ri i ssln 1 Iseleineing inLhli cob fqundeii with the actioi rf tdo netted with tbe torernomns and'tj Scijzl station Thea ecu i pf individuals a the dispatch being inquirv i into nu ler the ifH eft 1 I (CO hdJlCtvJ secretly andj it Va 1 a 1 VT Mb WMV Ulll (tolncarly ail law courts' deriving their ati is '1 issa '1 at Rimini Aid I sty again that New ill Bt oftqw tbn lead Of Nevsla say 1 rjug la swss sa Vsrsakiins SfCpuiiiieaOsilverosaaWr aud tbvlr prp lopimrellty I I York Democrats will never support ear a Islam Lkat Wilkh promotes tbe natl In returnm the best money everknbwn to nfsiiklnfl iimtiely and silver wie only li dali TIMen Pt form sajd la and these united el a hied ratio In free Llu etallie with cnrrvndy wblea Is a deposit vsruJcitoof elthsv lut New York Democrats so mxa sn menv hott EriXtbHcah videe will hrfkrtVMrad Ibe eh)ritsanof tb House Consni t'ee 1 Te taxL Az4 neiee! inM ax Mf WW lip IUS rui tcn writ! (ur KMlff he vdh now hft hmer of iffthe uw Dn wMt (ortho iles ntA lav MrttlV flWW iT twr rent KowUt ibS fin! vf tie I elect wvrer codwoumi diwmh roAkiftSl like tit* oil the nccAioa And it 1 smea WICCC solicit corporations We draw cxcli (rope We xyai 1 by opening an wo 1 I BAN i We Wish You a I I Happy New was a'Demacrntle holiday AiMsy to day wjrich culminated intbedinnvr given to Gov Dvm Hilljst the Ksnmors to night The dinner yr a art elaborate affair aud w4 gtXfu to rise retiring executive a fare will orittion by the DotnocratiCi of ficials of tbe State Cover were laid for 150 gudst th'h majority of whom were State ofilcer anfftheir depUtlci and tha military staffs ofa*gv IHJI ami Gov elect Rqawell lower The dining room as tastefully deco rated njitV palms and flowees of (varied hue while! tbe horeho*rform of the table was a dazzling sight rich tervfce set off white 1 fern ami dotted here and there with cypro peiuumy Secretary of State rank jRftaoecUDiMl the head of the table as tmtstmrer and ruler of the feast At UU rght sAt Gov Hill and at his left elect lower To thf lft Gov elect Sheehan Attorney General 'Tsklwtr 1m EnrfSKbtnr fiilHiHl aeawvr' a aud Sta of Gor Uomptr bl jo manifested on pH Kngii Tlill Kura pller elect Campbell Suite Engl neer elert Scheuck Danforth Down the allies were grouped the statesmen of Tammany ill such a Col (ellows Bourke co*ck ran Commissioners and Martin and othlers of the Wigwam The military men occupied the inner curve ot tha horse shoe iijnd at the heel calks were seated Democratic senators assemblymen and politicians Ji I Except GovI Hill and ex jCon gresem an lower there is (iqt a national figure la tlui Hi berents of the retiring governor David mu 1 Q' A i flnkh a mt Im after midnight was buti one set speech (aud thatww made Uy Gov Hiljl and contained about 4 ow warns itesau When first knew I roy first emotion was Zslt i till t)Liftil( will) rirK iwy wbern aid bow IUMint1v leenri wvfr cation of too centruIUed powers nsurpM! from the bliiti)! usurped from th people tih hid eous huge progeny of war def IlC 'titioiH government partuershipa will the tJutpurats of privilege muc aijd th it Witt i ip VVi Nay1 gbvi i i gi mu ium I "1 athni at once secretary irscy yew tirdhy: I and Su mu Geauga am! others were nientionea as possible There (is po longer room to even doubt a break In (the Cuyahoga delegation the clKfen votqs ot which have Alwuys been claimed as solid for Shermpn It nov sciit certain that oraker will! get four wire a possible six out of county There are sulI rumors ot an im pending! break iu Hamilton (county but the! members ot the delegation now on tbe groti ti insist that sucti a thing is al together iikmos ible A uziltlimau who is pretty close to Maj MqKmlev and who is in a pdsitipn to know! abated to The Posr( represents tisfi that there was absolutely no truth in tbh runiorl that the major wbuld shortly declare ir Sherman Said tie: siucera in ms prwriniimiwu It isjiot his aberman war Mr Grace was an arde of the' so much so Mr Charles lint who as simulta nocinslv corisnl of Chili am: Mr partner 'in New York felt compelled to resign the! form office At' the conclusion of the! war Mr Grace who had Urge Interests in tm pd fliirlbtit against Chili ou the groun American citizens Held a fnortgage on the nitrate beds which should be satisfied by the payrhent of a large sym of money' As this claim was ignotwd by the! Chilian government Balmaceda being then minister of foreign afljnirs a com 1 mission consisting: of Ir Trescott and the late Walker iBIaine 4as sent to Peru to see what could bedone by the United States for that country Cliili riference with to the Cnilian' Egan (U Cot was granted He has been United States for that country resented tins interference nd the com mission returned home When the immensely wealthy nitrate beds passed into kbe possession of Chili a 4 Mr Cirace wnue ne uiu not tre ts in Peru took care fortunes of the sources of 1 I During lup iaui 4n was UntCT) UUVWKMU endeavored to befriends wi a pgitpi nonden Chilian in rliJch he ex preyed hi hone or the ult mate success has befcn ad doubtless has I want correspondence to to out some explanation at least from government to mitigate its ptsent exsant feature I itb reference to the telegram of ex or Grace of 2s ew York! to the Chilian rnment that Air qifine aiodv rw the Cabinet from Hiding an ulti i kooo' that imignt i ana WorthbmUju of thisklt tna naner win du iinv lVT gr it ic on national isnMan't iniierxmaenE local matters Thei'report chat tha ns wis bought to bp iis in fighting saws I advocate Mr vleveiana's nomination opDOsa any retrograde muvrmejit tn Democrtic party on tile tariff Imu rj Now Can ventlpii Claims EW Yohk Dre Presidepb Arnold the Democratic Club i announced following committee: go to iysh when tbe national ijemocraiic meets in advocate the select im: as the place of meetan i fcrUrefst le fiAttonalS con won Levy chairman: Cl rle Calhoun John Cyimmih l4ov Billnn iDVEMeJI Jongre4stQan A I itch I freh 3 jilKm HiWO nio Knn ADwriuxu The follovrd for the Prsid If 1 Vice I toe ulDcmauc At 11:15 nu elat jutces rathe supreme Court ot tne Unltetz Btates t4 ()f the I States Court i Claim frl the jufires of the supreme court tbe i of Columbia 1 At ItS a uaatori and Repifesentatlres In Congress the of Jbe District of Columbia amfi inrth ial offipers of the District tx memef of tbe Cabinet'andex ministers of the hjt States At tn Tie ofilcers of the Army tbe Navy and tbe Mai (Jon At IS The Intestate commerce Comtrls alou the reycntaandi tbe secretary of the Swiithsouhn litotlttlon the Civil sjrvlce Com tnUsioncr the Asant Secretaries of the De tbe A sta it £'j General 1 the ijoUctor Genral tbe AMlslaaj Attorneys 5 General tie CooraMoser of Labor! the bea Is iof tbe biinaus of le several Departments andtb rrnit' Ot andnftloers of tbe (Columbian Institute lor the Def an Dumb I At 12:15 he terans of hotVsirof ISIS thiur'tnil Army of tbe liepub ic tbe (xifil LekUt and the members ot thellw lutebltaiiuttesocfaUun ufi the District UlutnSii A iK non of citizens which 111 termirjte at 2 Carriages will apwoach the Executive Man iun tv th eastern sate and leave by the west rnJedeitrljns wii approach the mansion fe fester gate anz leave by the pastern Psideat and Mrs Harrimn will be jalged it receivitg by Mrs Morton Mrs Zkifs Sire oMr Mrel Wilmerding irs Noble Nirs Husk Mrs! Miller and anMnHktr JiacK ot tne line in te spine lioorn'Jthe folloyring named 1 iis will assist ittbe reception: Mlis Blaine JiusWWanamalter oster and ws Halstead I foxlrxy will bo tfcresented by Mesdames St fil Andrews Jutherlucl Noriuan LIeind William Sqith Iiejavv by Mesdaiaj il Ramsav II a tlr 'W ob and Richard Wasbing te I I iate by Mauddraon Dolph I 1 A le ise bv Mrs A Mrs I Il cl other lies JlrGvjp Eno Mrs Hazen Mrswul Taft Mrs Kuhsen Miss Herron of CinqrJ' Mrs John kali Mrs Jrle Berxlani 1 Mrs asd Miss rui Mrs John ALoean a I ifyg Hnff Hr GoiTrtur Mrs Platt Mrs Gm vs an Tfe Vice Iresbleut Vici and Nrs Marton will re ceive flm 12 to 2 at their residence on SccsCircle The lades ot the receiving party yl be Mrs inderson Mrs Hale Mr lyltliall Mrs Cuzteroij Mrs John McT at Nirs Wharrvu Mrs Theodore Riosew Mrs Julan James Mrs Bellanftover Nirs Cabot (Lodge Mrs Slater tsx Gwrnn Miss Warder Miss Leiter Miss Sturgd? Cabinet Thelijcs of th ffD5bave agreed upon unarm to 3:30 for opeuiug jeir homes to the public to day Nirs Bine will be prweutcd by indis appearing! the diplomatic breakfast Mis Blaine Hl! bs assisted in rwend by Mrs Dinrosqh Mrs and Ulas vanron Mrs Halt urp suu Lodge Wharton its John Mrs Hit ko per Mrs Miter Rodgerst Ir BHIr Lea Mr and Roo eveltMiss Brown Ioter Mi Wilson Mia Warner Pinchot Jiss James Maa Morris MluiStnAi Mr and (is oster 4 assisted by Mrs Samtt Thomas of Mis Woods dabter of the Ate1 justice her guest Lev ife and daujite? of Senator Brice the and daugberjofjMaj RC Parker Ms Jeremiah Wilson Mrs Wil liam Hvw Mra and NW Harter and Mrs Ou thAite 1 Nr Nob will be avRisyd by the Misses Halste1 NL tiil Miss Jairheller Mm A niieiireid Miss Ida lhni' on the Misses Hut in on Mbs Nati gly Miss Lincoln at Miss Chicago The ying lady is of Mrs Noble and ill be her guest for the sC tou Mrs Elkit will assist Mm Harrison in receivingy day bur old no re ception Intel she will leave iu the af'eruooa fdNew Y'ork she will return the ftter part of week with her eldest di nbter who is bow in New Mr kins will mt' receive on Wert need ynul she has jred a house in Washiogto (1 Mrs Wilar iiinc will be hM ted by her aunt Mrs Gdio of Brookljk and Mes dnnie Ramiy SAsou Hmry Mav rei ky Soiey Rayppnd rank and Mnte Rusk ill priceite ftJ and will be isted by Joan Mitchell JStanley BrowbDimmiek Parker Timos Ristc Mi SsA Mr Scidtuore the Aliases Sell rnr a nd Mr Waotiker will t'vdrinsr bv diUL' btc i Tbemw Tanmler Ain Pxnl 1 faorotoD of pnimifr Ratcliffe of Detroit Mu PhiUdelphiuets at thq Miss WauaAker Mr 1 ill receive '3Q o'clock AiLiirxker (lierftt Jin4 Afrk nt Mrt will te in tiy i Elim the of Hon John New Yorl: Its Taft and ad CBnauasitbe true tr vt JndcMVUliam Maury XieaiL and uutterworta Mra vnapjrue oi tue pounds of gun cotton frnx STevr iork 1 I li 1 IREBRANDSift urllulj nt the Only OnM plnxlout fofr War i with the United States I Dee The Santiago de jM 1 correspondent of the jifnw affi ms on what "be doclhrei to i Jj dun: iest atunonry liikiuuhi I ri a4 It IiaI t4 fd till KCl 1 rosvj rizv farmlnarji Cll 11 I ci yunc wa V1 A A ri Is i awes at manner nonorauie vv the United fjfatre trte conflict fn tha lanciliv add secret ft rlminal procedure followed i iull rhifeh has allowed oficohstnnt fi a rVtWV1 I II A A 1 1 mopagated abroad feouid never have 1 i rtr Mien i ytwo ft ie 'correspondent say it niCUUAIVU7 dtatraii to the cbulntries if nw i I Aftil kpA state convention? Au natbin! ani tbrottfhont t'M canvaas tL ntjxS 'soremi re of the pr PpHUcul juheture i tiiaiby hoidintr iMwl lot IC nwi CorjcreM durtn thei canvass who a ootncld' tori at ttvs a ef rr 1 vl I rA Mrv iRcreao anion away from ail I rn fn'nnflinrt the toWiir 1 tk Rfcidltfr W1 jitotlcri In the Innir pending eas of man vewsu the kt ever MdvBvIrh unn end hU liberty or puiitics 1 1 wih tnnt upon man a by th bilbviL Aie 4 nothing eio iutd luvfhlnjc icmi 11 The Huimm can eortipel rrudUHy yi current approprlatPins then since jiny HuinuuruUa lugvlrtt iwi protKJsad by Uai IltHlMe uf oo fcat In th White a ooure oipTv than Plat Vctnntmta ihaH ilrU tend up what will crt the Kepub Hoan party dnil averbrow In ifea next ongM lonat Pwidd dljd ZLl'y MIIJU' IA Uv fire exeentlnd IT Hh ilth4 iJutnolirty by keplnir More the tbo IMW to nd in rrduit of lnn Um 31 tvr ai nurpsted this Paw nto free bill puns otiiy needful HpproprfaUoo orclntc Grtpp to undo the JjlilD only iyejhis present interests in that bUtS IU4C Uk Chili he will and receive treatment! Trod bie cannot be find au i 1 telegram to Valparaiso iiiiau govern the ycar! just lias there bee tKis' 4irectioiu money is a hah to be voided Open i Bank Account! It will inspire you to be econjomicalr an will derive a by few other Gddertakings I cepunt wnetner it oe large or small accounts of firms individuals and We pay interest on time' deposits nge ou the principal cities of Eu you to begin tlit tccount with us To day marks tW beginning Another mile ston Jia Our lives 1 tut Tim heeds thcmri pvprld moves pn To day is a rcsutions But'a mere intent! unless couplet! witl determination is of little value over pastojc down and write im no Yuncep Krina Dee 31 Gov has Dased thro jgii another ortuniug by politician who are clai ns nt cnlulte for Sena Tl Adv' had an interview with the governor this morning and at 12 o'clock exp ongressman Perkin saw himi privately for the first time They were closeted for over an hour! Judge Simpson probable dark (horse had an hour with the governor also aud at 5:30 this ml Maj Hudson aud bi chief lieutenant George Pratt general solicitor of the Santa system entered the private rodm at the executive depart ment Mji*ztl (remained in cou4ultation two hours They went to make the last ap peal for Hudson but they felt when there that Parkin wa re illy the tnau Every effort has been made to day to weaken Perkins with governor Toe frieuiiv of I nil other candidate art willing to static! Jiy the governor ir fee appoint ment of anyone of themlbut Perkins They insist that be has practically left the State rented offices ahd moved bis family to (Washingiotv iwiii'ti side Tbfe fistht I all directed aaaieat PerkiAs bo it Djwseem pointed Senator ciae not Judsej Si hnru i hn kiUK Thif appointment wilt probab1ybe made to morrow as a New present vv here flighting Perkin threatens io cm hie is appoint ii to take th stump in Kansa anri explain some Air vote annoynceii that he trtll mov Lack to Win field vbese be lived many ea ago and it mae me a ouraen to tne new nU name is Perkit VIS Blaine ch the State i lie regarding bouse do talk which tv event Whyj itngton osten inauguration presfd mt when the attenu me au ago IS a ques ed wiDhoui re I 1C 1 rdinary iaies forethonzbt td arrange a similar line of ictiun be' ween 13 uc i a be presentwwrLMrr is familltr with dip BW4A IQLflclllC lri3 excusable More renffirkable still tbe fact that Mr Blaine want voluntarily to inert dinner gentlemen Mer Trumbull end Graqe whom be de clined to receive laat summler The negotiations which are in progress continue to ho arrange! etwo Monts atit! Secretary Blame rather than through the customary cli tn neU Min ister rau and the Chdtxi government 1 flMtS WIL 1 Mr Monts dahy Ii temgide of the story while beard frmm Y'eterdy Mr Montt dW Secretary with the neteraic inducing Chili to mae 'rrreSKntatiohS Govert 4Aawj 4 rwYfnM wheraoel exmeS Ms cmfideuco stall such ougti The roubi however I ft I Latter do not look at the fivre ilfyht AM SecretAlT i I ibe raattr woaia uc la nAv 0 to bring government to faU wievf oC trii I Sion where an anzltf Cam I Improperly laid for tha Secretary eomoUmt i translation of telegram kom Mrl Matta tle ininD'er of foreign affaire bearing on tb JTrUo trouble ift tee city of alpjxtaBo betwee the Chillut and the ftlors She United State ttumsaip Baium rs I SxWTlwta 8V ISSt I jfKirrsa of Cmixa TiNftenr kf i ii ape art ro 1 Wjtwrs a ti a yj thM Hin not as a war man I rather thought peaceably ipjcliued Util 1 for maintaining the dignity and al ly in the peraonof Mr All tbe explanations wb Depurtmen' is making pnl ttze recent dinner at Nir Mt not cause a cessation ui cueill RnrrPht re 'ardiDJZ tba Ur Blaine should consent tb accept an in re natan vitation Aibly giveajin honor of the reAter i niiiMii I minister did not lu irnintiipa in Ssnt tion which is fitill being aH ceiling a satisfactory an: wr A ri ins tfOCeU i 2 manhip wbuld have had re 1 the Secretary and the latter was not invited th action or sail! by those Somatic usagt leGa excusable 1 to meet a dinner I I atn inclined for maintaihing A Drsuurrsr tn Urr I'nmjjklnt Aboni lir Mm! hsli New YqpK Dec The Jperior court Of thia city hg utaiued a deaunrer to tbe complaint of tbe wldo jv of Jeffcror Davis! In ah actios al alnst Robert lie I ford fl 3 re rT re re irir on? the ground that she bid Improperly 1 eetly be reach 9 UffUlw Wa I V41 1U sA)MJDi4lDk i Mrs ri made a contract on March 4 i JaaJ (in which be agreed to write tso VOlunjses ot memoirs of her Utrsbend wtsieh Belfdrdwks to put JUL fori yes ra the og per on the retail price tarots lua airs uar zqtreed to give a bead ot flOtkXk hat Belford wemid keep the xgre TLe book was pttuhsued iaat March months alter Keilirx Lua a snowing tat was cred geS taji rei'riu Sc a ati AGAINST MRS DA receive to day owing to the illnees of her hnsban There will be no reception at the resi dence of tbe Chief ussier as Mr mler la abroad for tbe winter Mrs ield will not receive Nirs Harlan will not receive Mrs BUtchford will not receive At Gen Residence Gen and Mrs Schofield will be assisted in receiving by Mr Audr ws Mrs and Mi Breckinridge Mr Mrs Sanger Mr Bibs Mre George Bloomer Miso iioeI MUs McMillan and Miss Washbarne NORTH YVEST ADAM3 Mrs Rhode lahmd Assisted by Mrs Richards and Mrs Peck of Brooklyn ALLAN Mrs Gen Edgar 1501 venth street bv Mr Cbarie Needhac Mbs Maud cl*txe and tba Miaseo Allan rom 3 AUSTIN Mrs Jan and darurht" Hattie Asisted by tbe Mxjees Alice Marfan of Cumberland Md Maud Knowlton Kate ischer and lorence Chamber BKANDEEURY Mrs L4 A HtO Coumbla ELRIL MrsAda and daoebter 1415 EVth sireet Assisted by Mrs Nash rom BELT Mrs X' Tenth street Assisted try Mr Smsxit and Mabe Cfa*gbp ton Nellie Bartle Kenaedy and Jlary BOVh EriAE ICT street Assisted by the Miseea Hattie Pelton and Emily Myers and Mrs Crist rom 1 to BABco*ck Mrs 34 Assisted by Mrs Alice Moraa and JlUSbteba Stanbooe After 1 BALD 1 itof street Assists! by the Mbses Latham Alt mn arid Harvc1 EA1XKS Miss 17X3 Twelfth rireeX Assisted by Misses Brace Banks Reynolds of Nonb Caro Una Ura Duvall Gertrude Platt Bertha Bennett Perley Etch May Manatee and Jen nie Chandler After BARB Sit Mis Lorena Langcten Lemont as liMtl by IBS MTSWS i BV ELL Mis 52? Ne Jersey avenne Assisted by tne Mtosee La Cappldan ldgn and Mo BAI VaIID Mr Job W7 street Assisted by Mrs I iiiiam and the Misses McGill Mvra Watson Julia IVatoi and VMUiams rom 6 to 9 BROOKS Mrs MO New Nora sistfed iy ber daorhters Mr Cleveland and Miss Hath and Mradames A Morseig nodve Stevenson Webster It McCargb and the Misses Nannie Uolinas head Emma Henderson Nellie McLean Bertie and Blanche Hodges rom 4 to BUELL Mr Willard Ei 14 Howard A'R'sted by Mr Campbell and the Misses Nellie and Bessie Carteri rom 1 to 7 BEATON Mrs George j9 street As sisted by the Misses MAmie Burke Deannie Balton and Eiva oley 11 rom 11 to 4 CABELL Mr and MUs 1409 Massachusetts avenne Informally I 1 CR UGEN Miss Iln 21S street Assisted by sirs Johnnie Melvin ud the Xllraes A Lina and Ella Botcler rom 7 to 10 CLAUG'iTON Mra 1710 Street As sisted by Mri Wt Mrs lem itMT Mrs Woodruff Mr Gatewood of Virginia Mrs I Drnen Mie Claughton Van Dvck Van Iloru McNcir Combs Rob erts Bvnuni Kleinschmidt Moses and tbe jj br ot ViruinU After! CorY Mrs Mary807 Ninths treet Assisted by the Mies Marine 'Indim Lizzie Burch tter trade Mover Bessie Broderick and Mary Har rison rom to 9 COALING Mrs and daughters 13S I street 2411 street and Mri GftHowav and Misses Mamie Coot Kate Wahb and Lillian Clarrve rom 4 to 10 Varrewt TTar CLAKK Mrs ueonir mm vey 1319 Eleventh nrL Assisted by Mai Hull and Mrs Ker Clark of hbrankfurL Germany After 1 I CLEVELAND Miss Cynthia Mn Emily Sherwood and Mrs Lee 1407 strt Columbia Heights AMisted by the sea EH i Ray Anna Lee Man Coleman Virginia Keech and Coyne rom CHARGES Mrs Emily Thornton Baw tborns 1231 strdet by hr Charles Henry itch of New York: Mrs Gardner Thornton: of Brightwood and Miss Nattie A Teal ot Lafayette Ind rom 8 to 9 ti a 1 ff Xf XPr nereftft As Nted by the Allen Merritt King Katie Jones and froyilliers After 3 ri Lti i a i i Miss Julia 12 street Aited oy Mrs Gepree Baber and Miss Potter of bchuec tMiy BRtiWN Mrs 1739 Mm 1 by toe ladies of her family CAMPBELL Miss Jessie 1010 street As sisted by Gertrude oster and the Misses Edna and Nellie Birch After 2 COX Mrs William Van Zaait 611 street northwest Assisted bv her oGu rs Mrs Henkle and Mis Emery and by Mrs Theodore Noyes Mrs ainea Green Misses Bing ham Burr Duncansofl and Stone of Bright wuud A'ter 1 xCLAVGHTOX Mrs IL Oh and daughters 1740 street Assisted by Miss Iula Combs DEXVER Mr and 1703 Rhode Island avenue Amstel by Mrs Lieut Lemley Mrs Lieut Eberle Wattzsl Prase Mar maid James Cuthbert Wenll Page Carr and UmeTsudx 6f Tokio Japnn After I 9i eV wreA a DI A NM OK" las Misted by Mrs 8 eisan Lucia Naylor Miss Watson After DAU Mrs 1428 Assisted ov ner sister Irina Y4 I li i Is JtkUat xzis nauuhMtM Kin of Dakota Mrs Azzew and zthwre Krnm 12 to llli DAVIS Mitses and I A 1448 Rhode Island avenue Assisted by Mie Bush strong Hobson Elilis Carrie Dan els Reina Smith and liessie Hellen After Davis Miss Josie 101 Twenty first street Assisted by Mrs Katie Lysigut and Miss Trihby DAVls Mrs Senator Ills Massacbuett are nn Assisted bv her si ter Mrs nr A Kkart of Minneapolis Miss Daisy Moore Miss King of Dik it Mis Cavanautu anl others rom 12 to 10 DV1AM1E Mrs Emma! 911 ttreet rom to i DALZELL Mrs John and Miss 1277 Connecti cut avenue Assisted by the Mittses Jenkins tevenson and Hough DE VASTIER Misses! Anna and ania 1504 ourteenth street lAssisted by Miss Brink man rom 5 to 10 EBERT tne Misses TUlJe ad Alma 1328 I street After 1 ORBEB Miss Mamiel 807 Eighteenth street Assteted by Miss Mamie Youngs rom 2 to 7 OKJ IN Mira Rosalie aeventeenth street AssRteJ hy Mew Lucft ehl rom 2 Co 5 LYNN Mi Mamie 09 street Assisted by Mr Honev ORTON Miss Rosalie 102R street Assisted by Miss Locllle ehL rom 2 to 5 GRO Miss Georgiana 916 street Assisted by the Moea Jackson and Butcher rom 1 tA 8 I GALLOWAY Mrs 2111 Mstreet Assisted by ilhs Mamie Ckok GRAVES tbe Misses ktseet Assisted by Mises Katie Cure and Hcyde of Balli ore Nettie Graham and Mrs James PadzetL GRAVES Mrs EdwaHi 95 ererem AggjeTAZf hv A MtyCAa GEDDES Mrs' and daughter Mri et Asssted ty t'ie 'las Marr Magruder Matnie Hill rd Deila Mtcasel After Hl KOX the Mlsees street Assisted by Mis Tegethoff rom 3 to 7 HARVEY Mis Zoui (115 street Awited by the Misses Lottie Davis and orence Jackeon 1 roui 2 to 7 I HODGE Mrs 1113 Thirteenth trt A steted by her daughter and Mr Kate Real ng and the Misses Alliuueon Leonora Meerut Dexter Pff end McDmeL After HAMLIN Mrs Rev Dr 1753 Pstn et After 3 HEiNIiCKE Mr Tr si4 Eleventh tret As sld bv Mr and lb Missea Annie Barker Bell Brawttr rime a TiIim Houck aniie Graham Carrie reh Deila erry Jwte Bt Clara li nptmzn LH liaa Moore and Beskle Jentegs rom to HODGES Mrs No 12M New York ave nue ASaled fey Mto Ida Jacobus rujl to IL I HAMMETT Mi Thirl i slxth street Assisted ov Mts Couen and tb Mswea McCarthy Pr in 4 to ft HVSTOX Mm doyfeur 1523 street Mtsw rMs 1 Kelly of hfiarKptJk: Mr Bene of effoBt Mr Priabv Muiek Lightfoot Ethel I'r utig Blanche oster Hoche Heftebower Yates MeNeir and Wiley After HOOD Mrs Dr tefiUO street AMted by Mrs James Hood and Mr Kate Bar low Informally Atiert HAYE1 rhe Mis Pi 121 Third afreet Ac try Mr IS Jackwm HOCHTON Mr IiWrd dangateV Ssl3 street by tea terenee Gnm 1 Travers sad Ulea Eneer fronts 9 i Ht'LL Mr JS street Anhtod by Ute A lie! Ann De a A Stet Mabel 1 Otick and Kc ooteg Prom 3 to 7 JOHNSON Xte rater 17T1 Traiuria atreet Assisted by the Mu Ms sod rwo ds aad Ad Lucas rota 1 to A JARVIS Ma 11 Teste street A etored by Ml ii Jvwi Wre Hebrew Maa Petty Minnie Jdhwca and Meede Jxre rom 1 to A JOHNSON Mm IL 1 731 Twesuetk ktreet San Dftwo Cal I tec I ill 6 A 0 arleeteiti arrived off Dill port to nijDt Sj i aorMored 41 will tot outer Ue her ttetu ty next month OI sewjxvr nr fbrthernext iveutdori: Jeff' nrira rziiicii I Kock well Ir CH T)LER WINS A POINT I fi fa to thb ma5 oertry thruajrhoui I (it tiltMj of THz bll i HHKlOt flUfUWIp he United Stntee Government Mid its piwpr to protect Its citt: sailors when abroad warj then I (am for war bl? I leva it will to peace 1 I The N'avy I)eDartment coptinnes tn ship nrtiunition to San ranpisco and dtirinif le paet few days order (have been irened 1 a a rw rea rv re passed into new hands Irerlsa Lava bought i ae majpniy ip Tbtr Einin7 tha ni iod summated to dav A syndics sal imore (ua uuuk sMAz a 1aI snru M1 Hr PhHftdP ensv also the minority interest which was the Party Who Will A 1 Harrison in the Rlne the Vice President's and ly Private Jtcideocca ruiporio Sxn rancisco UnSnn Pacific atenmtefp left there for Porcl*ted Tjiiii'Iay had Lrien wricked bff tbe Oregon cbMt Tbe yalon r)re 're AmMa tft 1 PleiMV rran orobably lariat or Astoria Some anrprty hteaai which left Se for here i lirekeimae Herrick kiirM4rr vmwr rm Mirbeil say that the York aulbontfe have IearnJiot the frrnere about of Hvrrick and tjlfrl the 'Iatter ha to forrender hithMiIf the coro ner on Saturday piorainjw I kvbo 'bi been wanted br the iu aS a a are a a ft txt uX at Priert)'rx Mekawan aw UVAi A ail thbrity aad precedent trap Spain Goriramnt 'whila i ba beer u4it fnfirfcrT with tbi nraiti cial fnethod pf other patlqri is wtoseb that customary jjlicial oi fare fallowed regard ot course belt totlte extraordinary character ot I I ft MXC a 1 I Qi ma nfeter through tmn tihknowu Ma Ri diplomata bare "'isid Aertfvk tA uncn fit with thH country and! tbit shevould be wholly unwarranted refusing to atoliaize for tbe areault upon the Haiti i Tie twAtilri Ujpru 3 Simula 411 pear a if no step to ro tpt uu ftAaftkrtl fbAilint I I left LS a re I puble and thaconsequeni jninterritiptcd rvelopment and ownership ot the nitrate Ifti diplomatic corrcspcw dence cn the a i I 4 I 1 lie ft 1at P' CO! tbi ar th i fcl*t 'toiislfiiwtoii Bost 1 1 re re ri i ehi i i 1 1 1 MZ 1 re te i 1 i "i THREE CENT'S 1 I I 1 i 1 i ui 1 1 re i i i I jeK I I i I I 5 i i 4 1 $1 i Wtf? 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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 6031

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.